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Administrative and Public Law | Friday 24 September 2021

Asylum appeals determined under ultra vires Detained Fast Track Procedure Rules are not automatically unfair – unfairness on individual facts of the case is required

TN was represented in the Supreme Court by David Pannick QC, Stephanie Harrison QC & Anthony Vaughan and before that by Stephanie Harrison QC & Louise Hooper in the High Court & Court of Appeal.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Immigration Law | Wednesday 14 July 2021

In ‘unprecedented’ judgment President of SIAC strikes out Secretary of State’s Safety of Return Reply in protection appeal

The Appellant was represented by Stephanie Harrison QC and Ali Bandegani of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team, instructed by Dan Furner of Birnberg Peirce.

Ali BandeganiStephanie Harrison KC

Visas, Settlement (Indefinite Leave to Remain), British Citizenship and Naturalisation | Friday 25 June 2021

Garden Court Immigration Team dedicate 10th Edition of Macdonald’s Immigration Law & Practice to the life and legacy of Ian Macdonald QC

The General Editors, Stephanie Harrison QC, Ronan Toal & Sadat Sayeed, are leaders in the field & practice in the number one ranked Garden Court Immigration Team. David Neale is a legal researcher & former barrister

Administrative and Public Law, Housing Law | Thursday 4 March 2021

Successful policy challenge: homeless women fleeing domestic violence

Stephanie Harrison QC and Nick Bano represented the Claimant. Sophie Caseley was instructed by Bhatt Murphy for Women’s Aid, who intervened in the case.

Stephanie Harrison KCNick BanoSophie Caseley

Protest Rights, Protest Rights, Protest Rights | Tuesday 9 February 2021

High Court radically scales back UK Oil and Gas protest injunction

Stephanie Harrison QC, Stephen Simblet QC and Fatima Jichi represented Weald Action Group protestors. Stephen Clark also represented protestors.

Administrative and Public Law | Thursday 14 January 2021

Home Office work policy declared unlawful

Stephanie Harrison QC and Ali Bandegani of the Garden Court Chambers Public Law Team represented C6, instructed by Daniel Furner of Birnberg Peirce.

Ali BandeganiStephanie Harrison KC

Immigration Law | Monday 21 December 2020

Court of Appeal provides important guidance as to the correct approach to be used by the Competent Authority when deciding whether an individual is a victim of trafficking

The Appellants were represented by Ronan Toal of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team. Our own Stephanie Harrison QC, Gemma Loughran, and Ella Gunn, instructed by Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, represented the AIRE Centre.

Ronan ToalStephanie Harrison KCElla Gunn

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 19 October 2020

Justice Committee call for evidence: The Future of Legal Aid – Response of Garden Court Chambers

Garden Court submission to Parliamentary Justice Committee Inquiry into future of legal aid. Legal Aid is at a critical point in its history and its future is beyond being described as a “crisis”. It needs urgent significant additional funding if it is to

Liz Davies KCStephanie Harrison KC

Administrative and Public Law | Tuesday 29 September 2020

Home Office makes important concession in unlawful detention claim regarding interpretation of medico-legal reports and discloses unpublished guidance to caseworkers

Stephanie Harrison QC and Grace Capel of the Garden Court Chambers Public Law Team were instructed by Lewis Kett and Emma Dawson of Duncan Lewis solicitors.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Protest Rights, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Environmental Protest | Tuesday 24 March 2020

Application to end draconian UKOG injunction banning peaceful protest at oil sites in Surrey and Sussex

Stephanie Harrison QC, Joint Head of Chambers and a member of the Garden Court Chambers Civil Liberties Team is representing five protesters.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Friday 7 February 2020

Appellant’s appeal against removal from UK is allowed by consent in the Court of Appeal

Mr Khan was represented in the Court of Appeal by Stephanie Harrison QC leading David Sellwood of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team.

Stephanie Harrison KCDavid Sellwood

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 27 January 2020

Judy Khan QC, Stephanie Harrison QC and Liz Davies appointed as Joint Heads of Garden Court Chambers

Garden Court Chambers is pleased to announce that Stephanie Harrison QC and Liz Davies have been newly elected as Joint Heads of Chambers. They join Judy Khan QC who continues as Joint Head of Chambers.

Liz Davies KCStephanie Harrison KC

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Detention Civil Claims, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Thursday 5 December 2019

Home office admits unlawful detention of mentally ill man

Stephanie Harrison QC, Shu Shin Luh and Anthony Vaughan of the Garden Court Chambers Public Law and Immigration Teams instructed.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Administrative and Public Law, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Immigration Law | Friday 29 November 2019

Stephanie Harrison QC shortlisted for Civil Liberties & Human Rights Silk of the Year at Legal 500 UK Awards 2020

We are delighted to announce that Stephanie Harrison QC has been shortlisted for Civil Liberties and Human Rights Silk of the Year at the Legal 500 UK Awards 2020.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Criminal Defence, Administrative and Public Law, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Friday 6 September 2019

Judy Khan QC shortlisted for Crime Silk of the Year and Stephanie Harrison QC shortlisted for Human Rights and Public Law Silk of the Year by Chambers Bar Awards 2019

Winners of the awards will be announced at a ceremony on 31 October 2019 at the Hilton on Park Lane.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation, Immigration Law, Administrative and Public Law | Friday 14 June 2019

High Court declares Home Secretary’s investigation into immigration detention abuse at Brook House inadequate

Stephanie Harrison QC of Garden Court Chambers represented MA instructed by Lewis Kett and Nicholas Hughes of Duncan Lewis Solicitors.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Garden Court Chambers | Thursday 16 May 2019

15 members of Garden Court Chambers appointed to Equality and Human Rights Commission Panel of Counsel

Stephanie Harrison QC, Amanda Weston QC, Bethan Harris, Liz Davies, Grace Brown, Timothy Baldwin, Mark Symes, Joanne Cecil, Stephen Marsh, Anthony Vaughan, Shu Shin Luh, Connor Johnston, Gráinne Mellon, Tessa Buchanan and Miranda Butler.

Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Administrative and Public Law, Protest Rights | Wednesday 3 April 2019

Court of Appeal overturns draconian injunctions preventing protests against INEOS fracking activities

Stephanie Harrison QC and Stephen Simblet represented Joe Corré. Henry Blaxland QC & Stephen Clark represented Friends of the Earth.

Immigration Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Wednesday 6 March 2019

Supreme Court reasserts the role of medical experts in asylum claims by torture survivors

The appellant was represented by Ronan Toal and Michelle Brewer. Stephanie Harrison QC, Ali Bandegani and Mark Symes for the interveners.

Administrative and Public Law, Environmental Protest | Tuesday 5 March 2019

Environmental campaigners in court to protect right to free speech threat from oil and gas injunctions

Stephanie Harrison QC is representing Joe Corré, one of the named defendants.

Stephanie Harrison KCStephen Simblet KC

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