"Access to the Law" - The Impact of Paid Pupilages Seminar to be held on Sat 22 May

Wednesday 19 May 2010

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The Association of Sri Lankan Lawyers is holding a meeting to discuss the impact of paid pupilages on the number of pupilages available and applicants who have become disadvantaged in the process.

In the name of equal opportunities, it is now compulsory to pay pupils. Thus it is argued that without paid pupilages, working class and black applicants would be disadvantaged.

The reality is rather different. The actual effect is that hundreds of applicants who previously would have got pupilages are now denied pupilages, as sets of chambers have dramatically reduced the number of pupilages offered to save costs.

This meeting is called by the Association of Sri Lankan Lawyers to address the unfairness created by paid pupilages that entrench the rights of the privileged and deny working class and black applicants the right to practise as barristers, and to find ways to move forward.

Attendees may claim 2 hours CPD.

Saturday 22nd May 2010, 10.15 am - 12.30pm
Speakers: Lee Karu Q.C., Stephen Leslie QC - Leader of the South Eastern Circuit.
Garden Court Chambers, 57-60, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ
To book please contact Lalith de Kauwe 07946 635328; lalithdk@gclaw.co.uk.
Entry £15. Pay on the door.

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