Leslie Thomas KC and Liz Davies KC question Dr Simon Case in Module 2 of UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Thursday 23 May 2024

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Today, witness Dr Simon Case (Cabinet Secretary) gave evidence for second investigation Core UK decision-making and political governance (Module 2).

Former Joint Head of Chambers, Liz Davies KC put questions to Dr Simon Case on behalf of Southall Black Sisters and Solace Women's Aid. Our Marina SergidesUbah DirieAngharad Monk, and Fatima Jichi are on the legal team, instructed by Helen Mowatt of Public Interest Law Centre (PILC).

Watch Liz below:

Our Leslie Thomas KC submitted questions to Dr Simon Case on behalf of the Federation of Ethnic Minority Healthcare Organisations (FEMHO). Our Una Morris is on the legal team, instructed by Cyrilia Knight of Saunders Law.

Watch Leslie below:

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