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Administrative and Public Law, Welfare Benefits Law | Friday 21 April 2023

Court of Appeal allows child’s disability living allowance appeal holding UK was competent state under EU co-ordination rules for social security

The Appellant was represented by Adrian Berry and Desmond Rutledge of Garden Court Chambers, instructed by William Ford of Osbornes Law Solicitors.

Desmond Rutledge Adrian Berry

Administrative and Public Law, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Immigration Detention Civil Claims | Thursday 20 April 2023

High Court grants permission for judicial review in challenge to Home Office evacuation response at Harmondsworth

Alex Schymyck of the Garden Court Public Law Team and Nick Armstrong KC of Matrix Chambers acted for the claimants.

Alex Schymyck

Romani Gypsy and Traveller Rights, Housing Law, Administrative and Public Law | Friday 14 April 2023

Court of Appeal quashes an unlawful notice served by Local Authority seeking eviction of Irish Travellers from a temporary site in Ramsgate Harbour

Tim Baldwin of Garden Court Chambers acted on behalf of the Claimant, SO, leading Lara Simak of 12 Old Square Chambers.

Tim Baldwin

Immigration Law, Administrative and Public Law | Thursday 6 April 2023

Home Office removal of former Gurkhas paused

Ali Bandegani and Ella Gunn of the Garden Court Public Law and Immigration Teams are representing the individuals. Counsel instructed by Jamie Bell and Elleanor Wilkins-Bell of Duncan Lewis Solicitors.

Ella Gunn Ali Bandegani

Inquests and Inquiries, Environmental Law and Climate Justice, Claims Against the Police and Public Authorities | Monday 27 March 2023

Duran Seddon, Edward Grieves & Irena Sabic of Garden Court Chambers & Associate Tenant Anna Morris appointed King’s Counsel today

Garden Court Chambers is delighted to announce that Duran Seddon, Edward Grieves and Irena Sabic of Garden Court Chambers, and Associate Tenant Anna Morris, have been formally appointed King’s Counsel today.

Administrative and Public Law | Friday 24 March 2023

Afghan children and their families abandoned in remote hotels following High Court ruling

Raza Halim, Tessa Buchanan, Oliver Persey, and Alex Schymyck of the Garden Court Public Law Team acted for the families, instructed by Public Law Project, Deighton Pierce Glynn and Shelter Legal Services.

Alex Schymyck Raza Halim Ollie Persey Tessa Buchanan

Administrative and Public Law, Community Care Law, Children's Rights | Friday 20 January 2023

Human Rights Assessments: Local Authority concedes Children Act 1989 duties take precedence over residual & discretionary Immigration Act 1999 powers

The claimant, HTT, was represented by Amanda Weston KC and Maria Moodie of Garden Court Chambers. Counsel instructed by Verity Cannell of Bindmans LLP.

Maria Moodie Amanda Weston KC

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation, Immigration Law | Wednesday 18 January 2023

Rwanda judgment: Permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal granted

Sonali Naik KC, Amanda Weston KC, Mark Symes, Eva Doerr, Isaac Ricca-Richardson, Alex Grigg, David Sellwood, Raza Halim and Ali Bandegani of Garden Court Chambers instructed for the claimants.

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