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Protest Rights, Protest Rights, Protest Rights | Friday 25 November 2022

Palestine Action protestors found not guilty of conspiracy to commit criminal damage

The five defendants were represented by Owen Greenhall and Audrey Cherryl Mogan of the Garden Court Protest Team.

Audrey Cherryl Mogan Owen Greenhall

Protest Rights, Protest Rights, Protest Rights | Wednesday 16 November 2022

Tom Wainwright represents protestor acquitted of abusing and insulting Iain Duncan Smith

Tom Wainwright of the Garden Court Criminal Defence Team represented the defendant. Tom was instructed by Kate Hallam of Kellys Solicitors.

Tom Wainwright

Protest Rights, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Protest Rights | Monday 17 October 2022

Garden Court Protest Team statement regarding The Public Order Bill 2022

Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Protest Rights, Criminal Defence | Friday 26 August 2022

Protestor found not guilty of Violent Disorder in ‘Kill the Bill’ trial

Owen Greenhall of the Garden Court Protest Team represented the defendant instructed by Hussain Hassan of Commons Solicitors.

Owen Greenhall

Environmental Protest, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Protest Rights | Friday 25 March 2022

High Court discharges injunctions in INEOS protestor cases

Stephen Simblet QC, of the Garden Court Chambers Civil Liberties and Protest Teams, represented Joe Corré in the most recent proceedings.

Stephen Simblet KC

Protest Rights, Criminal Defence, Protest Rights | Tuesday 8 February 2022

Bristol ‘Kill the Bill’ protester acquitted of riot

Russell Fraser, of the Garden Court Chambers Protest Team, represented JY instructed by Freya Colvin of Hodge Jones and Allen.

Russell Fraser

Protest Rights, Protest Rights, Criminal Defence | Friday 4 February 2022

High Court dismisses contempt of court against Insulate Britain activists

Owen Greenhall, joint-convenor of the Garden Court Protest Rights Team, represented three defendants in these committal proceedings.

Owen Greenhall

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Law, Family Law | Wednesday 26 January 2022

Helen Foot, Emma Fenn and Gráinne Mellon appointed as Recorders

We are delighted to announce that Helen Foot (Call: 2008), Emma Fenn (Call: 2010) and Gráinne Mellon (Call: 2010) of Garden Court Chambers have been newly appointed as Recorders by the Queen.

Gráinne Mellon Emma Fenn Helen Foot

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