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Family Law, Children Law | Wednesday 27 May 2020

The Local Authority v Mothers and Others 2020 EWHC 1216

Rebekah Wilson of the Garden Court Family Team appeared in the case of The Local Authority v Mother & Ors, led by Andrew Bagchi QC, acting for an intervener whose younger brother had been strangled at the age of 13.

Family Law, Children Law | Wednesday 13 May 2020

Law Society Gazette - McFarlane warns of remote hearing ‘overload’ after wrong care order

Stephen Lue of the Garden Court Chambers Family Team represented the grandmother in this case.

Stephen Lue

Family Law | Monday 27 April 2020

Separation REALLY is the last resort

Nisha Bambhra of the Garden Court Chambers Family Team.

Family Law | Monday 27 April 2020

Best endeavours v reasonable endeavours

Dinah Loeb of the Garden Court Chambers Family Team.

Family Law | Wednesday 22 April 2020

A timely and important decision on remote hearings in the family courts – Re P: (A Child Remote Hearings) (2020) EWFC 32

Allison Munroe QC leading William Tautz were instructed by All Family Matters, on behalf of the 1st Respondent. The case considered the issues around the suitability of remote hearings for contested final hearings.

William Tautz Allison Munroe KC

Family Law | Monday 6 April 2020

Garden Court Family Team offer free assistance to key workers seeking legal protection from domestic abuse

Members of the family team are able - where capacity allows - to offer a free hour of legal advice to key workers who seek legal advice on how to secure an injunction to protect themselves from harm.

Criminal Defence, Administrative and Public Law, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Monday 16 March 2020

Stephen Simblet and Allison Munroe of Garden Court Chambers appointed Queen’s Counsel today

Garden Court Chambers is delighted to announce that Stephen Simblet and Allison Munroe of Garden Court Chambers have been formally appointed Queen’s Counsel today.

Stephen Simblet KC Allison Munroe KC

Family Law | Monday 16 March 2020

Parental orders in surrogacy arrangements when partners are estranged

Author: Rachel Schon - 3rd Six, Garden Court Chambers

Rachel Schon

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