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Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Friday 15 January 2021

‘Running on empty’ – Garden Court Chambers contributes to Bar Council Report on Civil Legal Aid

The Bar Council has today released their Civil Legal Aid Research Report which reveals the severity of problems in the civil legal aid system and its implications for access to justice.

Sonali Naik KC Sarah Hemingway

Administrative and Public Law | Thursday 14 January 2021

Home Office work policy declared unlawful

Stephanie Harrison QC and Ali Bandegani of the Garden Court Chambers Public Law Team represented C6, instructed by Daniel Furner of Birnberg Peirce.

Stephanie Harrison KC Ali Bandegani

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Tuesday 12 January 2021

Court of Appeal rejects attempt by Secretary of State to broaden refugee exclusion categories

Amanda Weston QC of Garden Court Chambers and Anthony Vaughan of Doughty Street Chambers represented NF, instructed by Jawaid Luqmani of Luqmani Thompson Solicitors.

Criminal Defence | Wednesday 6 January 2021

Jury acquits defendant of manslaughter with verdict delivered in just over two hours

James Scobie QC of the Garden Court Chambers Criminal Defence Team represented the defendant.

James Scobie KC

Family Law | Monday 4 January 2021

Local Authority failed to sufficiently consider the impact of Covid-19 on parents of a severely disabled child

Our Rebekah Wilson, of the Garden Court Chambers Family Team, acted for a mother in care proceedings

Garden Court Chambers | Tuesday 22 December 2020

Garden Court Chambers complains to Chief Executive of HMCTS about the practice of black lawyers being mistaken for defendants

Following Garden Court’s pupil, Luke McLean, tweeting “Just another day... mistaken as the Defendant in the Magistrates Court by the list caller...” Garden Court Chambers has written to the Chief Executive of Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Services.

Financial Crime and Confiscation | Monday 21 December 2020

Garden Court Chambers Response to Law Commission Consultation on ‘Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime After Conviction'

Tom Wainwright, Jacob Bindman and Meredoc McMinn of the Garden Court Chambers Financial Crime and Confiscation Team have put together a response to the Law Commission's Consultation on ‘Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime After Conviction'.

Tom Wainwright Jacob Bindman Meredoc McMinn

Immigration Law | Monday 21 December 2020

Court of Appeal provides important guidance as to the correct approach to be used by the Competent Authority when deciding whether an individual is a victim of trafficking

The Appellants were represented by Ronan Toal of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team. Our own Stephanie Harrison QC, Gemma Loughran, and Ella Gunn, instructed by Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, represented the AIRE Centre.

Stephanie Harrison KC Ella Gunn Ronan Toal

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