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Immigration Law | Tuesday 19 May 2020

Implications for expulsions following the Supreme Court ruling of AM (Zimbabwe)

By Mark Symes and Miranda Butler of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team.

Mark Symes

Criminal Defence | Monday 18 May 2020

Expert guidance published by the Howard League and Garden Court Chambers on keeping children out of custody during the Covid-19 pandemic

By Kate Aubrey-Johnson of the Garden Court Chambers Criminal Defence Team and Laura Janes, Legal Director at Howard League for Penal Reform.

Kate Aubrey-Johnson Dr Laura Janes

Criminal Defence | Monday 18 May 2020

The Criminal Cases Review Commission refers murder conviction

David Emanuel QC of the Criminal Defence Team drafted the application, instructed by Steven Bird of Birds Solicitors.

David Emanuel KC

Immigration Law | Saturday 16 May 2020

COVID-19 - Why the modest relaxation of the ‘hostile environment’ does not go far enough

By Emma Fitzsimons of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team.

Emma Fitzsimons

Family Law, Children Law | Wednesday 13 May 2020

Law Society Gazette - McFarlane warns of remote hearing ‘overload’ after wrong care order

Stephen Lue of the Garden Court Chambers Family Team represented the grandmother in this case.

Stephen Lue

Criminal Defence | Tuesday 12 May 2020

Covid-19 - In defence of trial by jury

Statement by the Garden Court Chambers Criminal Defence Team.

Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Administrative and Public Law, Claims Against the Police and Public Authorities | Thursday 7 May 2020

High Court rules Home Office 'No recourse to public funds’ policy for migrants en route to settlement is unlawful

Amanda Weston QC of Garden Court Chambers instructed by the intervenor, Project 17.

Immigration Law | Thursday 7 May 2020

New Afghanistan Country Guidance provides a clear pathway for asylum-seekers to win appeals

Sonali Naik QC, Ronan Toal and Gemma Loughran of the Garden Court Immigration Team represented the appellant, instructed by Kam Dhanjal of JD Spicer Zeb Solicitors.

Sonali Naik KC Ronan Toal

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