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Garden Court Chambers | Wednesday 22 July 2015

Court of Appeal ruling likely to increase the use of secret courts and damage open justice

The appellant, represented by Junior Council Paul Troop of Garden Court Chambers, remains excluded from his own case and has not been provided with any evidence nor a gist of the information held against him.

Paul Troop

Protest Rights, Protest Rights, Protest Rights | Tuesday 21 July 2015

Occupy Democracy protestors cleared over sit-in during Parliament Square Protest

The defendants were represented by Tom Wainwright and Owen Greenhall of Garden Court Chambers.

Owen Greenhall Tom Wainwright

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 20 July 2015

High Court declares that Home Office asylum system fails to protect victims of trafficking, is discriminatory and breaches their human rights

Stephanie Harrison QC and Shu Shin Luh of Garden Court Chambers brought this test litigation.

Stephanie Harrison KC Maria Moodie Kathryn Cronin

Garden Court Chambers | Friday 17 July 2015

Officer charged with perjury following death of Sean Rigg suspended from Metropolitan Police Service

Leslie Thomas QC and Tom Stoate of Garden Court Chambers represented Sean Rigg's family at the 2012 inquest.

Leslie Thomas KC

Garden Court Chambers | Friday 17 July 2015

Crime Team backs 'No Returns' policy

Members of the Crime Team will take action in support of solicitors.

Garden Court Chambers | Tuesday 14 July 2015

Court of Appeal to consider Home Office obligations when detaining age disputed children under immigration powers

The Court of Appeal will consider the obligations owed by the Home Office when detaining children who are age disputed. Garden Court Chambers is representing the families.

Stephanie Harrison KC Greg Ó Ceallaigh KC

Garden Court Chambers | Tuesday 14 July 2015

Voting Yes in the Criminal Bar Association Ballot

Sam Parham, Jo Cecil and Catherine Oborne of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team urge the undecided to vote yes in the Criminal Bar Association ballot.

Joanne Cecil KC Sam Parham Catherine Oborne

Garden Court Chambers | Tuesday 14 July 2015

Gráinne Mellon advises Reprieve on violations of international law in the case of Irish citizen Ibrahim Halawa

Gráinne Mellon of Garden Court Chambers is instructed by Reprieve, who have been campaigning on behalf of the Halawa family for Ibrahim’s release.

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