News & Views

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News & Views

Immigration Law, Administrative and Public Law | Monday 24 June 2024

Blog: Garden Court barristers secure clean sweep of Rwanda removals bail victories

Blog post by Georgie Rea of the Garden Court Immigration Law Team.

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Thursday 30 November 2023

Home Secretary admits to Article 3 ECHR breach and Equality Act breach during Harmondsworth IRC evacuation

Alex Schymyck, of the Garden Court Chambers Public Law Team, instructed by Lewis Kett, Nicholas Hughes and Dominic Chambers of Duncan Lewis Solicitors for the Claimants.

Alex Schymyck

Mental Health Law | Friday 17 November 2023

Upper Tribunal provides important guidance on proceeding without aftercare evidence

Roger Pezzani and Alex Schymyck of the Garden Court Mental Health Law Team acting, instructed by Ben Conroy and Joseph Railton of Conroys Solicitors.

Alex Schymyck Roger Pezzani

Inquests and Inquiries, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation, Prisoners’ Rights | Friday 24 March 2023

Garden Court Chambers Brook House Inquiry Team jointly wins Highly Commended Halsbury Rule of Law Award at LexisNexis Legal Awards 2023

We are delighted to announce that the Garden Court Chambers Brook House Inquiry Team has jointly won 'Highly Commended' for the Halsbury Rule of Law Award at the Lexis Nexis UK 2023 Awards.

Administrative and Public Law | Friday 24 March 2023

Afghan children and their families abandoned in remote hotels following High Court ruling

Raza Halim, Tessa Buchanan, Oliver Persey, and Alex Schymyck of the Garden Court Public Law Team acted for the families, instructed by Public Law Project, Deighton Pierce Glynn and Shelter Legal Services.

Alex Schymyck Raza Halim Ollie Persey Tessa Buchanan

Mental Health Law, Court of Protection | Wednesday 20 December 2023

Garden Court counsel successfully oppose Hospital Trust claim that orders permitting compulsory treatment can be implemented and extended by remote examinations

Garden Court’s Stephen Simblet KC and Ollie Persey acted for PQR, instructed by Deborah Robinson through Cartwright King Solicitors, with Garden Court’s Roger Pezzani and Alex Schymyck instructed by Rheian Davies on behalf of Mind.

Alex Schymyck Ollie Persey Roger Pezzani Stephen Simblet KC

Inquests and Inquiries, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Immigration Detention Civil Claims | Tuesday 24 January 2023

Garden Court Chambers Brook House Inquiry Team jointly shortlisted for Halsbury Rule of Law Award at Lexis Nexis 2023 Awards

We are delighted to announce the Brook House Inquiry Team at Garden Court Chambers has been shortlisted for the Halsbury Rule of Law Award at the Lexis Nexis UK 2023 Awards.

Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation, Inquests and Inquiries, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Thursday 23 March 2023

Brook House Inquiry into mistreatment and abuse in immigration detention recognised in shortlist for Halsbury Rule of Law Award at LexisNexis Legal Awards 2023

Members of the Garden Court Chambers Inquiries Team jointly shortlisted for the Halsbury Rule of Law Award at LexisNexis Legal Awards 2023 for their vital work on the Brook House Inquiry.

Alex Schymyck Stephanie Harrison KC Una Morris Gordon Lee Louise Hooper

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