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News & Views

Immigration Law | Friday 21 September 2018

A Father Was Arrested And Pinned To The Ground Naked In His Home By Immigration Officers Acting On A False Tip-Off

This article was written by Emily Dugan for BuzzFeed News. David Jones of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team is representing Tapiwa Matukutire.

David Jones

Immigration Law | Wednesday 1 March 2023

Refugee protection appeal allowed outright by the Court of Appeal

The Appellant, MAH was represented by David Jones and David Sellwood of Garden Court Chambers.

David Sellwood David Jones

Immigration Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation, Immigration Detention Civil Claims | Thursday 11 January 2024

David Jones on Friends of ERA Association Event speaker panel

David Jones of the Garden Court Immigration Team is a guest speaker at The UK Chapter of the Friends of ERA Association's online panel debate.

David Jones

Immigration Law, Administrative and Public Law | Friday 10 July 2020

Court of Appeal allows appeal against deportation order approved by Upper Tribunal on grounds of identifying procedural unfairness in decision making and findings of fact

David Jones and Tim Baldwin of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration and Public Law Teams appeared for the Appellant instructed by Rachel Meates of Irving and Co Solicitors.

David Jones Tim Baldwin

Immigration Law | Monday 28 June 2021

Important new ruling on access to British Passports for those subject to nationality deprivation proceedings

David Jones of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team appeared for the Claimant instructed by Mark Lilley-Tams of OTB Legal.

David Jones

Immigration Detention Civil Claims, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Monday 2 March 2020

Victory in false imprisonment action challenging the lawfulness of Home Office Iraqi removal exercise

David Jones of Garden Court Chambers was instructed by Tori Sicher of Sutovic & Hartigan Solicitors.

David Jones

Immigration Law, Administrative and Public Law | Friday 21 August 2020

Reported case: High Court orders release of vulnerable immigration detainee

Claimant represented by Taimour Lay of Garden Court Chambers instructed by Bahar Ata of Duncan Lewis Solicitors. David Jones of Garden Court Chambers is instructed in the ongoing unlawful detention claim.

David Jones Taimour Lay

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 17 June 2024

Garden Court barristers recognised on Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales

We are delighted to announce that Garden Court barristers have been listed on the Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales.

We are top ranked by independent legal directories and consistently win awards.

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