Bethan Harris

Capacity, Court of Protection | Friday 30 April 2021

Social Welfare Update: Making arrangements for paid for sexual services for a person who lacked capacity to make those arrangements was not an offence under s 39 Sexual Offences Act 2003

Blog post by Bethan Harris of the Garden Court Chambers Court of Protection Team. A Local Authority -and- C (by his litigation friend, AB), A Clinical Commissioning Group and Secretary of State for Justice [2021] EWCOP 25, Hayden J, 26 April 2021

Connor Johnston Liz Davies KC Adrian Berry

Housing, Migrant support | Friday 30 April 2021

Social Welfare Update: Local authority powers to accommodate rough sleepers during the pandemic

Tim Baldwin

Adult social care | Friday 30 April 2021

Social Welfare Update: Secretary of State was correct as to the responsibility for funding accommodation at Transitional Rehabilitation Unit when determining ordinary residence under National Assistance Act 1948

Blog post by Tim Baldwin of the Garden Court Chambers Community Care Team. R (on the application of Lancashire County Council) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, v JM and St Helens Council [2021] EWHC 268 (admin); HHJ Eyre QC

Gráinne Mellon

Children, Migrant support | Friday 30 April 2021

Social Welfare Update: High Court confirms urgency - and mandatory obligations - for Local Authorities to progress EUSS applications on behalf of children and care leavers

Blog post by Gráinne Mellon of the Garden Court Chambers Community Care Team. Re W and Re Z (EU Settled Status for Looked After Children) [2021] EWHC 783 (Fam), 31 March 2021

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