Garden Court Chambers | Tuesday 2 November 2004

Human Rights victory for the family of a murdered Kurdish father in South-East Turkey Nicola Rogers - Immigration Team

Seyhan v. Turkey (application no. 33384/96) Judgment of 2 November 2004 of the European Court of Human Rights The applicant, Mehmet Seyhan, is a Turkish national who was born in 1962 and now lives in France. His father, SÃRleyman Seyhan, disappeared on

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 1 November 2004

Ian Macdonald QC resigns from SIAC

Ian Macdonald QC from Two Garden Court Chambers, has resigned from his post on the Special Immigration Appeal Court in protest over the government's anti-terror laws. He did so when the government failed to recognise a House of Lords ruling (on Friday 16t

Garden Court Chambers | Tuesday 21 December 2004

Owen Davies QC statement

In support of the decision of Ian Macdonald QC to resign from his position as Special Advocate to the Special Immigration Appeal Court, Owen Davies QC, head of Two Garden Court Chambers said: "The members of Two Garden Court Chambers are right behi

Garden Court Chambers | Wednesday 11 February 2004

R v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Tum and one other action [2003] EWCA Civ 788 Nicola Rogers - Immigration Team

This case concerns the application of the standstill clause in Article 41(1) of the Additional Protocol to the EC-Turkey Association Agreement to Turkish nationals wishing to enter the UK for the purposes of setting up businesses. The Administrative Court

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