Case law:
AS v Buckinghamshire CC [2010] UKUT 407 (AAC) (HS/754/2009) – In a claim for disability discrimination in failure to make reasonable adjustments in a school admissions exam to a grammar school, it was held that this fell within the jurisdiction of the admissions appeals panels, and not the First-tier Tribunal, DDA 1995 s28K & s94 of School Standards & Framework Act 1998 considered.
Bury MBC v SU (SEN) [2010] UKUT 406 (AAC) (HS/1350/2010) – Special educational provision – proper construction of section 316 of the Education Act 1996 . The scope of section 316 of Education Act 1996 is not reduced by section 7 or various other provisions of the 1996 Act.
Other matters:
Issues which will be dealt with in more depth next month and issues to be mindful of:
– the changes to legal aid in education law, that is the Coalition Government's proposal to take education law entirely out of the scope of public funding on the basis that education law does not relate to basic and fundamental rights such as liberty.
– the tuition changes and the new appointment of Simon Hughes to the unpaid but newly created role of advocate for access to higher education. Will this cushion the tuition fee hike?