Every member of chambers contributes financially to the Special Fund.
Most of the organisations we support improve access to justice for disadvantaged, marginalised or vulnerable members of society.
We offer special discounted rates for charities and NGOs that wish to rent our meeting rooms.
The current beneficiaries of the long-term funding are:
We also make a number of one-off donations every year of up to £3,000. In exceptional circumstances, we will consider applications for more than £3,000.
Recent beneficiaries of short-term funding include:
If you want to apply for funding or require further information about the Special Fund, please email Rajiv Menon KC (rajivm@gclaw.co.uk), Convenor of Garden Court Chambers Special Fund Committee, or telephone him on 020 7993 7803.
If you are applying for short-term funding, you can apply at any time. The next deadline for long-term funding will be 31st January 2027.
In your application for funding, please tell us about your organisation, set out in detail on what the money will be spent and enclose your most recent Annual Report or statement of accounts.