2015 03 Children

Wednesday 1 April 2015

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R (SG) v Secretary of State for Works and Pension [2015] UKSC 16 (previously known as JS v SSWP) (Lady Hale, Lords Kerr, Reed Carnwarth and Hughes): The Benefit Cap (Housing Benefits) Regulations 2012 was not incompatible with article 14, ECHR. Although children's rights can in many cases be inseparable from adults' rights, that was not the case in this context. Click here for judgment.

Other matters:

Modern Slavery Act 2015 received royal assent on 26 March 2015, bringing into force a duty to introduce an independent child advocate scheme for child trafficked victims (section 48) and a presumption in favour of the child's age (section 51). Click here for the Act.

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