Connor Johnston is a member of the Garden Court Chambers Community Care Team and the Garden Court Chambers Housing Team.
From 11 September 2023, Connor will be on sabbatical working as the lead lawyer on the Law Commission's new review of the legal framework governing social care for disabled children.
The Law Commission has been asked by the Department for Education to review the legal framework governing the social care of disabled children. The purpose of the review is to ensure that the law – currently governed by a patchwork of legislation, some of which is more than 50 years old – is fair, modern and accessible to parents and care givers, allowing children with disabilities to access the support they need.
More information on the project can be accessed here.
Connor is a member of Garden Court's Community Care Team and, prior to his sabbatical, co-convened the team from 2016 onward. He will be returning to full-time practice at the end of the project.