Could the earnings threshold for benefits be in breach of EU law? Desmond Rutledge explains

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Desmond Rutledge, in an interview with LexisNexis, analyses the government’s new minimum earnings threshold for determining whether European Economic Area (EEA) nationals who claim out-of-work benefits as a jobseeker have acquired the status of a worker.

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In this interview with LexisNexis, Desmond described how the minimum earnings threshold introduced by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) on 1 March 2014 operates. Desmond goes on to discuss whether the new test could be open to legal challenge on the grounds that it produces a situation where it is inherently more difficult for EEA nationals to acquire the status of a ‘worker’.

Desmond Rutledge is a member of the Garden Court Chambers Welfare Benefits Team.

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