Elena Papamichael successful in Children’s Rights case

Monday 24 April 2023

Elena Papamichael, of the Garden Court Chambers Children's Rights Team, instructed by Rukhsana Hyatt of Rukhsana Hayat & Co Solicitors.

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Elena Papamichael represented a 15 year old charged with possession of ammunition and burglary. Elena successfully applied to adjourn proceedings until a positive conclusive ground decision was reached.  

Drawing on the CPS Code for Crown Prosecutors and guidance on trafficking victims; the National Protocol on reducing unnecessary criminalisation of looked – after children and care leavers and case law including R v D [2018] EWCA Crim 2995 and VCL and AN v United Kingdom App. Nos 77587 and 74603/12, 16 February 2021, the Crown was ultimately persuaded to discontinue criminal proceedings and her young client remains of good character.

Elena regularly represents clients in the Crown Court and Youth Court and has successfully defended young people and adults, including those charged with serious assaults, affray, weapons, drugs, robbery and burglary.

She has a particular interest in cases with a human rights aspect, including gang evidence; modern slavery defences and public order and protest.  

Social justice and racial equality are at the heart of Elena’s work and she has written several articles on topics such as racism, youth justice and drill music.

Elena Papamichael is a member of the Garden Court Chambers Children's Rights Team and the Garden Court Chambers Criminal Defence Team.

Click here to view Elena's profile.

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