Discrimination Law after the Equality Act 2010

Thursday 5 May 2011, 2:00pm


Date:Thursday 5 May 2011

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The Equality Act 2010, almost all of which is now in force, has consolidated and made changes to discrimination law, including the extension of the equality duty on public authorities, which came into force on 5 April 2011.

Practitioners in community care and housing law, employment law, police actions and prison law will look at important aspects of the Act, and at discrimination law in the light of the Act in some specific areas of practice.



The Equality Act 2010: the key concepts and an overview of the Act
Speaker: Sarah Hemingway

An introduction to the public sector Equality Duty
Speaker: Stephen Knafler QC



Break-out sessions: participants are invited to choose one session from 1, 2 and 3 below:

1. Disability discrimination under the Equality Act 2010
Speakers: Stephen Marsh and Tim Baldwin
The different forms of protection from disability-related discrimination under the Act, including the new prohibition on discrimination arising from disability (section 15), introduced in the light of LB Lewisham v Malcolm, indirect discrimination and adjustments for disabled persons.

2. Challenging discriminatory decisions in employment law
Speakers: Shereener Browne and David Renton
The ways in which the Equality Act 2010 may provide potential new means of challenge for employees, positive action in recruitment and promotion, and increased opportunities to seek injunctions to prevent discriminatory decisions in the public sector.

3. Using the Equality Act 2010 in police actions and prison law
Speakers: Maya Sikand, Sarah Hemingway and Darren White (Solicitor, Deighton Guedalla)
Causes of action for discrimination under the Equality Act 2010, including under the provisions relating to services and public functions, and practical tips on case preparation and procedure.



Afternoon tea



Break-out sessions: participants are invited to choose one session from 4 or 5 below:

4. The Equality Act 2010, defending claims for possession and housing
Speakers: Stephen Cottle, Marc Willers and Bethan Harris
The equality duty in defending claims for possession by public bodies and in other housing actions, Part 4 of the Act (premises), reasonable adjustments and other anti-discrimination provisions relevant to housing in Part 3 of the Act (services and public functions).

5. Remedies in discrimination claims
Speakers: Catrin Lewis and Rajeev Thacker
The remedies available in respect of different types of claims (claims against public authorities, private claims in respect of the provision of services, employment, judicial review), the starting point for the assessment of damages provided in Vento, more recent developments and how the principles might apply in different contexts.



What is still to come under the Equality Act 2010?
Speaker: Stephen Marsh

Closing remarks and discussion


17:35 Close of seminar
Delegates are invited to join the speakers and other members of Chambers for refreshments.


3.0 Hours


Stephen Knafler QC, Tim Baldwin, Shereener Brown, Stephen Cottle, Bethan Harris, Sarah Hemingway, Catrin Lewis, Stephen Marsh, David Renton, Maya Sikand, Rajeev Thacker, Darren White (Solicitor, Deighton Guedalla) and Marc Willers

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