How to Win at Mediation

Thursday 19 May 2011, 6:30pm


Date:Thursday 19 May 2011

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Do you know enough about mediation? With compulsory mediation forming part of the future, can you afford not to know how to react when a court directs mediation or your organisation is obliged to offer a dispute resolution service?


  • Mediation demystified
  • A live telephone mediation
  • How mediation works in practice
  • Different approaches to typical problems

The seminar will include a live telephone mediation, allowing you to experience first hand how mediation works in practice and what you need to be prepared for.

This is a unique chance to discover the challenges mediation poses and learn about the possible opportunities for you, your clients and your organisation.

Who should attend?

  • Lawyers in the public sector and private practice in all areas of civil or family law
  • Human resource managers in organisations including the not for profit sector
  • In-house lawyers in business and not for profit organisations
  • Professionals in business, planning, architecture and engineering

About the speakers

  • Kate Aubrey-Johnson is an accredited mediator and an experienced barrister in crime and public law.
  • Helen Curtis is an accredited mediator and restorative justice facilitator, and an experienced barrister in crime and civil law
  • Julian Rendall is an independent mediator

Both Kate and Helen are members of Garden Court Mediation.




Kate Aubrey-Johnson, Helen Curtis and Julian Rendall, independent mediator

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