LAG/Garden Court Chambers Migrant Support Conference

Wednesday 28 November 2018, 09:00am - 5:00pm

In-person, Garden Court Chambers

Date:Wednesday 28 November 2018
Time:09:00am - 5:00pm
Venue:Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ

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The law relating to migrants and asylum-seekers is complicated. Recent years have seen the introduction of the Immigration Acts of 2014 and 2016, as well as more than 45,000 changes to the Immigration Rules. In addition, the government’s creation of a ‘hostile environment’ to deter immigration has resulted in more hurdles and obstacles placed in the way of all migrants, including asylum-seekers, severely curtailing their rights and hindering their access to essential services.

Those working in this complex area of law are often faced with desperate, vulnerable clients, and need to know their legal rights in order to establish their access to housing, welfare benefits and healthcare.

It is against this backdrop that the LAG/Garden Court Chambers Migrant Support conference will take place. Barristers from Garden Court Chambers, many of whom have appeared in cases challenging aspects of the hostile environment, will present authoritative legal perspectives on migrant support. They will be joined by expert presenters from organisations operating on the ground who will be able to articulate the practical implications of interpreting the law and share their valuable experiences.


09.00 Registration

09.40 Plenary – Amanda Weston QC, Garden Court Chambers

10.00 Immigration/Asylum Law – Amanda Weston QC (chair), Garden Court Chambers; Louise Hooper, Garden Court Chambers; Greg Ó Ceallaigh, Garden Court Chambers

11.00 Refreshments

11.25 Breakout 1 – Please choose one

  • A. Welfare Benefits – Rebecca Walker (chair), benefits adviser, writer and trainer; Desmond Rutledge, Garden Court Chambers; William Ford, Osbornes Law
  • B. Adult Care – Carol Storer (chair), LAG vice-chair; Tim Baldwin, Garden Court Chambers; Katy Robinson, Wilson Solicitors LLP

12.45 Lunch

13.45 Breakout 2 – Please choose one

  • C. Asylum Support – Bryony Poynor (chair), Garden Court Chambers; Irena Sabic, Garden Court Chambers; Deborah Gellner, Asylum Support Appeals Project (ASAP)
  • D. Healthcare – Bethan Harris (chair), Garden Court Chambers; Rayah Feldman, Maternity Action; Sasha Rozansky, Deighton Pierce Glynn

15.00 Refreshments

15.20 Breakout 3 – Please choose one

  • E. Housing – Maria Moodie (chair), Garden Court Chambers; Tessa Buchanan, Garden Court Chambers; Chai Patel, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI)
  • F. Child Care – Shu Shin Luh (chair), Garden Court Chambers; Connor Johnston, Garden Court Chambers; Gráinne Mellon, Garden Court Chambers

16.40 Q&A, closing remarks and next steps – Carol Storer, LAG vice-chair; Shu Shin Luh, Garden Court Chambers

17.00 Drinks reception

Please note the programme is liable to change. Delegates will receive a course pack with notes including all breakout sessions.

Who should attend?

Lawyers working with migrant clients, advice workers and local authority staff in social services and legal departments as well as case workers from migrants’ rights organisations and charities will find attending this conference invaluable.

To book your place
Please download a booking form from the LAG website and return to

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