A roundtable discussion of principles and issues arising on transferring proceedings from family court to COP and transferring from children's services to adult services.
Date: | Thursday 30 April 2020 |
Time: | 3pm - 4:30pm |
Venue: | Zoom |
Cost: | Free |
Areas of Law: | Community Care Law, Court of Protection, Family Law |
Speakers will refer to any recent Covid-19-related changes in law and practice so far as they think relevant to the topic; as the recent CVA 2020 changes are temporary we will still look at points under the usual legal framework. The round table will take approximately 1.5 hours with questions and a discussion.
Amanda Weston QC will chair the meeting and the structure will be as follows:
(1) Transfer of proceedings concerning children aged 16 plus from family court to COP
Mai-Ling Savage & Hannah Rought-Brooks, Garden Court Chambers
- What are the rules and principles for transfer of proceedings concerning children aged 16 and over from the family court to the COP?
- Discussion of examples of cases that have been transferred/where transfer has been considered but the case not transferred and the rationale.
(2) Children's services : Care packages provided to parents of disabled children (16 plus) by children's services
Gráinne Mellon, Garden Court Chambers
- A brief outline of the legal framework for provision of services to parents of disabled children by local authority children's services.
- What issues commonly arise for parents trying to get these services/ in the delivery of them?
(3) Adult care: Care Act 2014 provision for the young disabled adult
Bethan Harris, Garden Court Chambers
- How early will the adult care assessment be carried out in advance of the child reaching 18?
- What are the key principles for the assessment process and the disabled adult's right to a care package?
- What are the principles on how a Care Act assessment should factor in the care provided by the parent of the disabled young adult when deciding on the care package?
- What are the rules on and pros and cons of direct payments v services commissioned directly by social services (in the context of a young adult lacking capacity)?
- What problems commonly arise for young disabled adults and their parents in the transition from children's to adult services?
Joining Details
This online meeting will be conducted through the web conferencing platform, Zoom.
To join the webinar at 3pm please click this Zoom Meeting link, then enter the following details:
Meeting ID: 209 980 310
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We look forward to welcoming you to the webinar.