Events & Training

Delivered by top ranked barristers, our events and training keep you up-to-date with the latest legal developments, so you can best serve your clients.

You can view recordings of many of our past webinars on our YouTube channel as well as the corresponding event page below.



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Past Events

Tom WainwrightOwen GreenhallAnna Morris KCLochlinn ParkerKevin Blowe

Event Series: Protest Law – Then & Now

Tuesday 16 March 2021
5pm - 6:30pm

Bespoke Training

Our barristers can tailor webinars and training to meet your specific needs. We regularly provide training for solicitors, local authorities, NGOs, OISC-accredited advisers and other organisations.

If you are interested in bespoke training, please feel free to get in touch.

We are top ranked by independent legal directories and consistently win awards.

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