Upcoming Events
Past Events

Free Webinar – Representing incapacitous clients in housing cases
Tuesday 5 December 2023
5.30pm - 6.30pm
Free Hybrid Conference – How to make effective use of the Court of Protection in cross-practice cases
Wednesday 8 November 2023
Chambers & Online
1:30pm - 5.30pm (In-Person, followed by a drinks reception), 2pm - 5.30pm (Online)

International Women’s Day 2023: Domestic Abuse & Housing Part 2: Points for practitioners
Thursday 16 March 2023
5.30pm - 7pm

Antisocial behaviour seminar: closure orders, injunctions, and committal proceedings
Thursday 8 December 2022
6:30pm to 8pm, followed by a drinks reception

Discussion of Post-Brexit rules on eligibility for homelessness assistance and allocation of social housing under Housing Act 1996
Thursday 4 March 2021
5pm - 6:30pm

Locked Down and Shut Out: Evictions and rough sleeping this winter
Thursday 19 November 2020
5pm - 6:30pm
Bespoke Training
Our barristers can tailor webinars and training to meet your specific needs. We regularly provide training for solicitors, local authorities, NGOs, OISC-accredited advisers and other organisations.
If you are interested in bespoke training, please feel free to get in touch.