Stephen Knafler QC and Mark Symes appeared for the appellants in a landmark judgment handed down this morning.
In a landmark judgment handed down this morning, allowing the appeal in R (SQ) v SSHD, the Court of Appeal (Maurice-Kay, Lewison and Underhill LJJ) held that children who require life-saving medical treatment are more likely to be entitled to remain in the UK to receive it under Article 3 ECHR because they are more likely to satisfy the “exceptional circumstances” test in N v UK, than adults.
The Court of Appeal went on also to hold that because of the duty to treat children’s best interests as a primary consideration, children’s health cases required separate and careful consideration under Article 8 ECHR.
To read the full judgment, click here.
Stephen Knafler QC and Mark Symes are both members of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team.