Accredited by the Supreme Electoral Court of Bolivia (Tribunal Supremo Electoral de Bolivia – “TSE”) to be independent international observers for the Bolivian presidential elections, our Camila Zapata Besso & Steven Galliver-Andrew have submitted their final report to the TSE's president, Dr Ballivián.
The General Elections of Bolivia were held on 18 October 2020 following the annulment of elections held on 20 October 2019. The electorate were tasked with selecting a President, a Vice President, and a Legislative Assembly made up of 130 Deputies and 36 Senators.
Camila Zapata Besso & Steven Galliver-Andrew were invited to attend the 2020 Bolivian General Election as international observers by the Supreme Electoral Court of Bolivia (Tribunal Supremo
Electoral de Bolivia – “TSE”). They were a small team of two independent international human rights lawyers from Garden Court Chambers, London. Between them they have a significant amount of election observation experience for organisations including OSCE4 and the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office across countries including Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey and Cambodia, as well as specific experience of Latin American human rights issues (including the rights of indigenous peoples).
Please click here to download the full report.
Camila Zapata Besso and Steven Galliver-Andrew submitting their final report to the TSE's president, Dr Ballivián. Congratulations to the Bolivian pueblo for a peaceful election.