Garden Court Chambers is delighted to have been ranked as a first tier set in the prestigious Legal 500. The Legal 500 publishes rankings of the leading barristers and sets of chambers in the UK, based on extensive research and from taking up references with solicitors and clients.
As a general common law set, Garden Court has been recommended in seven areas of law.
Immigration (including business immigration)
"Garden Court Chambers ‘always has counsel available and the clerking is sound‘. Laurie Fransman QC ‘remains the leading QC on all nationality issues‘ and Ian Macdonald QC is ‘the father of immigration law‘. Top juniors include Richard Scannell (‘very much an all-rounder who provides excellent knowledge‘); Nadine Finch (‘100% committed to clients‘); Peter Jorro (‘thoroughly excellent‘); and Duran Seddon, who ‘throws himself into cases‘. ‘Terrific advocate‘ Kathryn Cronin, the ‘forthright‘ Nicola Rogers and the ‘very enthusiastic‘ Sadat Sayeed are praised, as are rising stars Navtaj Singh Ahluwalia (‘a safe pair of hands‘) and Mark Symes (‘young and clever‘)."
Children law (including public and private law)
"Garden Court Chambers’ team of barristers ‘responds quickly and efficiently‘, and ‘provides a wide choice and availability of counsel‘. The set is known for handling complex and novel cases. Among the ‘dedicated, empathetic and realistic‘ individuals is Ian Peddie QC, a leading figure in child abuse cases who recently handled three serious alleged non-accidental head injury (shaking) cases in which the child died."
Civil liberties and human rights (including public inquiry law and actions against the police)
"Garden Court Chambers displays excellent clerking skills ‘and has some outstanding individual barristers‘. Counsel ‘fight their corner fearlessly and at the same time exercise good judgement‘. Leslie Thomas is ‘excellent with coroners, clients and juries, and is a very good advocate‘. Owen Davies QC and Courtenay Griffiths QC head the chambers and have an excellent reputation for human rights, public law and humaritarian laws of war."
"Garden Court Chambers houses ‘excellent criminal barristers at every level‘. Henry Blaxland QC ‘manages to be calmly authoritative without being pompous‘. Adrian Eissa has ‘the ability to reassure clients, and to hold the attention of a courtroom‘. Of the younger juniors, Tom Wainwright has ‘a terrier-like ability to unearth the weak points in the prosecution case‘."
Administrative and public law (including local government law)
"Garden Court Chambers fields a ‘very sharp‘ team, featuring Jan Luba QC, who ‘has the ability to make the most complex areas of law comprehensible‘."
Planning and licensing
"Marc Willers at Garden Court Chambers is ‘approachable, knowledgeable and articulate‘, and specialises in representing Gypsies and Travellers seeking planning permission, with recent High Court appearances including Lushey Stanley v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government."
Property litigation (including agriculture and housing)
"Garden Court Chambers has a large specialist housing law team that is particularly committed to representing tenants, other occupiers and the homeless."
To read all the entries for Garden Court, please visit The Legal 500.