Issue 28 – 11th September

Monday 11 September 2006

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Government and Legislation

On 4 September 2006 a new Homelessness Code of Guidance for local housing authorities in England came into effect. All decisions made last week must therefore have had regard to the new Code. The Code can be purchased for £18 from the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).

On 6 September 2006 the Howard League for Penal Reform published Chaos, neglect and abuse: The duties of local authorities to provide children with suitable accommodation and support services. The report suggests that local authorities are systematically failing to provide suitable accommodation and support for vulnerable children leaving custody, in breach of their statutory duties, and putting the public in danger of further crime. It can be purchased for £15.00, via the Howard League for Penal Reform website

The consultation exercise on the Government’s proposals for reform of the statutory overcrowding standard closes this coming Friday 15 September 2006. Click here for a copy of the paper:

Advisers approached by clients who left Lebanon over the summer as a result of the violence there and are now in need of housing in the UK should refer to the Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 SI 2007 which were laid and came into effect on 25th July 2006. Click here for a copy

Parliament is still in recess until 9 October 2006 (Lords) and 10 October 2006 (Commons).


Ireneschild (The Queen on the application of) v Lambeth LBC [2006] All ER (D) 31 (Sep), 8 September 2006, Admin Court. CO/6469/2006. The claimant occupied a split-level council flat. Her disabilities caused her difficulties with mobility and stability. She sought a community care assessment to address her needs for more suitable accommodation. In April 2006 the council agreed to revise an earlier assessment but when it failed to do so the claimant sought judicial review. After issue of the claim, a further assessment was produced in August 2006. Lloyd Jones J decided that the further assessment was unlawful: it had not been drawn-up in accordance with relevant guidance; relevant matters had been overlooked; and there had been procedural unfairness in relying on a matter not disclosed to the claimant.

The new Term in the Supreme Court (Court of Appeal and High Court) starts on 2nd October 2006.


This Week


12 September 2006: Anti Social Behaviour first of the RespectAcademy (free) Autumn conferences.

13 September 2006: Defending Possession Proceedings a Legal Action Group training event. Booking Details

Next Week

18 September 2006: Homelessness & Allocations a Legal Action Group training event. Booking Details

20 September 2006: Rent arrears & Possession HLPA General meeting.

22 September 2006: Homelessness Prevention National Conference of the Association of Housing Advice Services. Details

Next Month

2 to 5 October 2006: Homelessness & Housing Allocation series of seminars organised by Jordans.

16 October 2006: Housing Disrepair a Legal Action Group training event. Details from

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