Jury to consider whether Mark Duggan unlawfully killed by police

Wednesday 11 December 2013

The jury in the Mark Duggan inquest retired at 15:07 today to consider their conclusions (verdicts) in the 13-week case which has been sitting in Court 73 of the Royal Courts of Justice. The jury will have to decide how and in what circumstances Mark Duggan came to be shot by a firearms officer during the course of a police operation on 4 August 2011.

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Mr Duggan’s death sparked nationwide riots and unrest. Leslie Thomas of Garden Court Chambers has been representing the Duggan family and their loved ones. HHJ Keith Cutler, who has been sitting as an assistant deputy coroner, has left the jury with the following options: unlawful killing, lawful killing or an open verdict. He has also asked them to consider inter alia the following questions:

  • Did Mr Duggan have the gun with him in the taxi immediately before the stop?
  • How did the gun get to the grass area where it was later found?
  • When Mr Duggan received the fatal shot did he have the gun in his hand?

The jury will first be asked to reach a unanimous verdict.

It is hoped by Mark Duggan’s family that the jury will make a decision later this week or at the beginning of next week.

For information about the inquest, see The Guardian report.

Leslie Thomas is a member of the Garden Court Inquests and Actions Against the Police Teams.

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