Liz Davies appeared on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Unreliable Evidence’ programme yesterday evening alongside David Smith (Anthony Gold), part-time judge Caroline Hunter, and Matt Hutchings QC.
Liz says a lack of legal aid is preventing tenants from bringing unsafe and unsatisfactory housing to court. Current legislation means a legal claim only arises where the rented property is in ‘disrepair’. A tenant has legal recourse if their boiler is broken, but none if the heating is functioning but inadequate. Law governing housing standards requires codification, so that tenants have accessible and enforcement rights. Parliament passing the Fitness for Human Habitation Bill would be a good start. But the housing crisis won’t be solved unless more houses, particularly social homes, are built.
The full programme is available online.
Liz Davies is a member of the Garden Court Chambers Housing Team. She is recognised as a ‘Star Individual’ in social housing by the Chambers UK Bar Guide 2017