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Garden Court Chambers | Friday 15 January 2016

Coroner rules that changes must be made to the Welsh Ambulance Service to protect life in remote areas

Kirsten Heaven of Garden Court Chambers represented the family of Jasmine Lapsley in the inquest into her death.

Garden Court Chambers | Thursday 5 November 2015

Jury returns damning conclusions at inquest into death of Imran Douglas

Imran’s mother was represented by Kirsten Heaven. Imran’s father, sister and step-mother were represented by Richard Reynolds.

Richard Reynolds

Garden Court Chambers | Friday 30 October 2015

Two men charged with rape of Anne-Marie Ellement

Kirsten Heaven of Garden Court Chambers represented the family of Anne-Marie at the inquest into her death.

Garden Court Chambers | Friday 30 October 2015

Chambers UK Bar Guide ranks Garden Court in Band 1

Garden Court Chambers recognised as a leading set for immigration, social housing, civil liberties, police law, Court of Protection, crime and inquests and public inquiries.

Garden Court Chambers | Wednesday 5 March 2014

Inquest finds army bullying and alleged rape contributed to death of Anne-Marie Ellement

A coroner has found that army bullying and alleged rape contributed to the self-inflicted death of Anne-Marie Ellement, a Royal Military Police soldier. Kirsten Heaven represented Anne-Marie’s sisters.

Garden Court Chambers | Thursday 31 October 2013

Garden Court Chambers ranked Band 1 in Chambers UK 2014

We are once again delighted to have been ranked as a leading set by Chambers and Partners in the Chambers UK 2014 directory.

Romani Gypsy and Traveller Rights | Friday 18 October 2013

18 Garden Court barristers instructed on Hillsborough Inquest

Garden Court Chambers are pleased to announce that 18 Garden Court barristers have been instructed on the Hillsborough inquest.

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 1 July 2013

Neglect contributed to death of 19-year-old Nicholas Wheller at HMYOI Aylesbury

A jury at the inquest into the death of Nicholas Wheller at HMYOI Aylesbury has found that neglect contributed to his death. His family was represented by Kirsten Heaven.

Garden Court Chambers | Tuesday 28 May 2013

Kirsten Heaven secures damning narrative verdict in HMP Leeds bullying case

Kirsten Heaven has secured a damning narrative verdict at the inquest into the death of a man in prison in 2010.

Garden Court Chambers | Wednesday 20 March 2013

System failure in prison healthcare at HMP Moorland results in death of seriously ill prisoner

A jury sitting at Doncaster Coroners Court has found that defective care and system failure in prison healthcare at HMP Moorlands contributed to the death of Mr Robert Proctor in December 2008.

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