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Criminal Defence, Protest Rights, Protest Rights | Tuesday 23 February 2021

Administrative Court overturn conviction for refusing to provide name and address in relation to suspected breach of Coronavirus Regulations

Tom Wainwright of the Garden Court Criminal Defence and Protest Teams represented Neale instructed by Patrick Ormerod of Bindmans Solicitors.

Tom Wainwright

Environmental Protest, Protest Rights, Protest Rights | Tuesday 9 February 2021

High Court radically scales back UK Oil and Gas protest injunction

Stephanie Harrison QC, Stephen Simblet QC and Fatima Jichi represented Weald Action Group protestors. Stephen Clark also represented protestors.

Stephanie Harrison KC Stephen Clark Stephen Simblet KC Fatima Jichi

Protest Rights, Protest Rights, Criminal Defence | Friday 29 January 2021

Lord Chief Justice quashes Stansted 15 convictions

Owen Greenhall of the Garden Court Crime and Protest Rights Teams was instructed to represent the appellants.

Owen Greenhall

Protest Rights | Thursday 26 November 2020

'The Protest Handbook (2nd Ed.)' co-authored by Tom Wainwright and Owen Greenhall launches today

Tom Wainwright and Owen Greenhall, of the Garden Court Chambers Protest Law Team, are co-authors of The Protest Handbook (2nd Ed.). Order here.

Owen Greenhall Tom Wainwright

Protest Rights | Wednesday 10 June 2020

Danielle Manson features in 'Miss Vogue' on how to protect yourself whilst protesting

Our Danielle Manson, of the Garden Court Criminal Defence Team and member of Black Protest Legal Support, speaks to Miss Vogue advising on how to protect yourself whilst protesting.

Environmental Protest, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Protest Rights | Tuesday 24 March 2020

Application to end draconian UKOG injunction banning peaceful protest at oil sites in Surrey and Sussex

Stephanie Harrison QC, Joint Head of Chambers and a member of the Garden Court Chambers Civil Liberties Team is representing five protesters.

Stephanie Harrison KC

Environmental Protest, Protest Rights, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Wednesday 3 April 2019

Court of Appeal overturns draconian injunctions preventing protests against INEOS fracking activities

Stephanie Harrison QC and Stephen Simblet represented Joe Corré. Henry Blaxland QC & Stephen Clark represented Friends of the Earth.

Stephanie Harrison KC Stephen Clark Stephen Simblet KC Henry Blaxland KC

Protest Rights, Protest Rights, Protest Rights | Wednesday 6 February 2019

The 'Stansted 15' have today been kept out of prison following their conviction last year for Endangering Safety at an Aerodrome

Nine of the Defendants were represented by members of the Garden Court Crime Team – Dexter Dias QC, Tom Wainwright, Owen Greenhall, Terry Munyard, Susan Wright, Abigail Bache and Jacob Bindman, all instructed by Raj Chada of Hodge, Jones and Allen.

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