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Administrative and Public Law, Family Law, Children's Rights | Friday 7 July 2023

Amanda Weston KC successfully secures order setting aside findings against vulnerable teenager

Amanda Weston KC, of the Garden Court Chambers Children’s Rights & Public Law Team, alongside Garden Court Pupil Barrister Josephine Fathers, represented T. They were instructed by Oliver Fisher Solicitors.

Josephine Fathers Amanda Weston KC

Administrative and Public Law, Community Care Law, Children's Rights | Friday 20 January 2023

Human Rights Assessments: Local Authority concedes Children Act 1989 duties take precedence over residual & discretionary Immigration Act 1999 powers

The claimant, HTT, was represented by Amanda Weston KC and Maria Moodie of Garden Court Chambers. Counsel instructed by Verity Cannell of Bindmans LLP.

Maria Moodie Amanda Weston KC

Education Law, Children's Rights | Tuesday 14 February 2023

Changes to legal aid rules in SEND appeals following legal challenge

Amanda Weston KC, Oliver Persey, and Isaac Ricca-Richardson of Garden Court Chambers represented the child, instructed by Emma Vincent Miller of Public Law Project.

Amanda Weston KC Ollie Persey Isaac Ricca-Richardson

Immigration Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Tuesday 14 March 2023

Permission to appeal on additional grounds granted in challenge to Home Secretary decision to relocate asylum seekers to Rwanda

Sonali Naik KC, Amanda Weston KC, Mark Symes and Isaac Ricca-Richardson of Garden Court Chambers represented AS (Iran) instructed by Paul Turner and Iain Palmer of Barnes Harrild and Dyer Solicitors.

Mark Symes Sonali Naik KC Amanda Weston KC Eva Doerr Isaac Ricca-Richardson

Family Law, Domestic Abuse, Divorce and Family Finances | Friday 11 March 2022

'Emergency Remedies in the Family Courts' loose-leaf available now

Co-authored by members of the Garden Court Chambers Family Team, Amanda Weston QC, Lorna Cservenka, Mai-Ling Savage and Anne Osborne.

Amanda Weston KC Lorna Cservenka

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation, Immigration Law | Wednesday 18 January 2023

Rwanda judgment: Permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal granted

Sonali Naik KC, Amanda Weston KC, Mark Symes, Eva Doerr, Isaac Ricca-Richardson, Alex Grigg, David Sellwood, Raza Halim and Ali Bandegani of Garden Court Chambers instructed for the claimants.

Immigration Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation, Immigration: Personal and Business | Monday 19 December 2022

Rwanda judgment: Home Secretary failed to properly consider if asylum seekers should not be relocated to Rwanda

Garden Court Chambers (with others) represented a number of claimants.

Ali Bandegani Raza Halim Mark Symes Sonali Naik KC David Sellwood Alex Grigg Amanda Weston KC Eva Doerr Isaac Ricca-Richardson

Administrative and Public Law, Court of Protection | Thursday 13 January 2022

Suspension of DLA after 28 days in hospital did not violate Article 14 ECHR, in case of an adult patient with severe learning disabilities

The Appellant was represented by Amanda Weston QC, Desmond Rutledge and Ollie Persey of Garden Court Chambers instructed by Merseyside Law Centre (Samantha Maher, Trainee Solicitor).

Amanda Weston KC Desmond Rutledge Ollie Persey

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