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News & Views

Administrative and Public Law | Friday 7 January 2022

High Court rules that student finance regulations discriminated against students who were unable to prove their immigration status in time due to pandemic delays

JN was represented by Amanda Weston QC and Gráinne Mellon of the Garden Court Public Law Team. They were instructed by Keith Lomax, solicitor, of Watkins Solicitors on behalf of the Claimant.

Gráinne Mellon Amanda Weston KC

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Wednesday 20 October 2021

Supreme Court reaffirms, in the bail context, the constitutional principle that judicial orders must be obeyed unless and until set aside

Representing the Appellant, Amanda Weston QC led Gordon Lee, both of Garden Court Chambers.

Amanda Weston KC Gordon Lee

Garden Court Chambers | Wednesday 12 June 2024

Garden Court barristers appointed as panel counsel to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

We are delighted to announce that 12 members of Garden Court Chambers have been appointed to the Equality and Human Rights Commission's (EHRC) preferred panel of counsel.

Administrative and Public Law, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Friday 27 August 2021

Amanda Weston QC Shortlisted for Human Rights and Public Law Silk of the Year by Chambers Bar Awards 2021

We are delighted to announce that Amanda Weston QC of Garden Court Chambers has been shortlisted for Human Rights and Public Law Silk of the Year by the Chambers & Partners Bar Awards 2021.

Amanda Weston KC

Family Law | Thursday 21 January 2021

Amanda Weston QC representing Appellant Mothers in Court of Appeal Domestic Abuse Case

Amanda Weston QC of Garden Court Chambers is representing two appellant Mothers. She is leading Dr Charlotte Proudman of Goldsmiths Chambers. In the case of B-B Amanda Weston QC, leads Dr Proudman, instructed by Jenny Beck of Beck Fitzgerald

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Tuesday 12 January 2021

Court of Appeal rejects attempt by Secretary of State to broaden refugee exclusion categories

Amanda Weston QC of Garden Court Chambers and Anthony Vaughan of Doughty Street Chambers represented NF, instructed by Jawaid Luqmani of Luqmani Thompson Solicitors.

Administrative and Public Law | Thursday 3 December 2020

Amanda Weston QC and Miranda Butler succeed in challenge to Home Office policy excluding potential victims of trafficking from leave to remain and a right to work

Amanda Weston QC and Miranda Butler of the Garden Court Public Law Team are instructed by Zofia Duszynska and Shilpa Caute of Duncan Lewis Solicitors.

Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Administrative and Public Law, Claims Against the Police and Public Authorities | Thursday 7 May 2020

High Court rules Home Office 'No recourse to public funds’ policy for migrants en route to settlement is unlawful

Amanda Weston QC of Garden Court Chambers instructed by the intervenor, Project 17.

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