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Criminal Defence, Youth Justice & Child Rights | Tuesday 23 March 2021

Our Kate Aubrey-Johnson awarded Highly Commended Award in ECPAT UK's Children's Champion Awards

Congratulations to our Kate Aubrey-Johnson of the Garden Court Chambers Youth Justice & Child Rights Team who was awarded the Highly Commended Award at Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT) UK's 'Children's Champion Awards'

Kate Aubrey-Johnson

Immigration Law | Monday 22 March 2021

Upper Tribunal rules Home Office interpreted guidance on settlement illegitimately

Peter Jorro of the Garden Court Chambers Immigration Team represented the appellant, instructed by Jessica Wong of Brion & Co.

Peter Jorro

Criminal Defence, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Protest Rights | Thursday 18 March 2021

Defend our Freedom to Protest - Why the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill is Dangerous

Blog by our Jacob Bindman, Russell Fraser and Zehrah Hasan, members of the Garden Court Chambers Protest Law Team.

Russell Fraser Jacob Bindman Zehrah Hasan

Administrative and Public Law | Wednesday 17 March 2021

High Court declares that Home Secretary had no power to cancel indefinite leave to remain while holder outside the UK

Amanda Weston QC of the Garden Court Chambers Public Law Team represented C1.

Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Inquests and Inquiries | Monday 15 March 2021

Inquest finds that neglect and a series of omissions and failures by police and ambulance services contributed to the death of Leon Briggs

Our Dexter Dias QC of the Garden Court Chambers Inquests and Inquiries Team represented the family.

Dexter Dias KC

Immigration Law, Housing Law | Thursday 11 March 2021

High Court rules on access to emergency accommodation during pandemic to people usually ineligible for support

Liz Davies, Adrian Berry and Connor Johnston of the Garden Court Chambers Housing Team were instructed to represent Shelter.

Liz Davies KC Adrian Berry Connor Johnston

Criminal Defence | Wednesday 10 March 2021

Garden Court Chambers welcomes Zayd Ahmed to the Crime Team as third six pupil

We are delighted to announce that Zayd Ahmed has joined the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team as a third six pupil.

Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Monday 8 March 2021

International Women’s Day 2021 - Choose to Challenge

Blog by Helen Curtis of Garden Court Chambers. #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021

Helen Curtis

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