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Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Thursday 29 June 2023

Rwanda Judgment: Court of Appeal rules government plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda is unlawful

Sonali Naik KC, Adrian Berry, Mark Symes, Eva Doerr and Isaac Ricca-Richardson represent AS (Iran). David Sellwood is part of the team representing RM (Iran).

David Sellwood Sonali Naik KC Adrian Berry Eva Doerr Mark Symes Isaac Ricca-Richardson

Immigration Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Wednesday 15 June 2022

Garden Court Barristers secure injunctions from the Court of Appeal for last few asylum seekers on Rwanda Flight

The Garden Court team who secured consisted of Sonali Naik QC, Adrian Berry, Grace Brown, Mark Symes, Alex Grigg, Maha Sardar, Ella Gunn, Eva Doer, and Stephen Clark.

Stephen Clark Mark Symes Sonali Naik KC Maha Sardar Ella Gunn Alex Grigg Adrian Berry Grace Brown Eva Doerr

Immigration Law, Housing Law | Thursday 11 March 2021

High Court rules on access to emergency accommodation during pandemic to people usually ineligible for support

Liz Davies, Adrian Berry and Connor Johnston of the Garden Court Chambers Housing Team were instructed to represent Shelter.

Liz Davies KC Adrian Berry Connor Johnston

Immigration Law, Welfare Benefits Law | Thursday 12 March 2020

Upper Tribunal rules that a British child living with her mother in the UK will not be entitled to Disability Living Allowance if her father is living and working in another EU State

Adrian Berry and Desmond Rutledge acted for the Claimant, instructed by William Ford of Osbornes Law. The claimant is considering an appeal to the Court of Appeal.

Desmond Rutledge Adrian Berry

Housing Law | Thursday 27 August 2020

Housing Law Handbook: A Practical Guide (Law Society, 2nd edition)

Edited by Stephen Cottle. Contributors: Tim Baldwin, Adrian Berry, Tessa Buchanan, Sophie Caseley, Justine Compton, Sebastian Elgueta, Ed Fitzpatrick, Kevin Gannon, Adrian Marshall Williams, David Renton, Desmond Rutledge and Marina Sergides.

Welfare Benefits Law, Community Care Law, Administrative and Public Law | Thursday 19 September 2019

HMRC defeated at European Court of Justice on rights for pregnant self-employed EU Citizens

Adrian Berry and Desmond Rutledge of Garden Court Chambers represented Ms Dakneviciute, instructed by the Welfare Rights Service of the City of Wolverhampton Council.

Desmond Rutledge Adrian Berry

Housing Law | Thursday 3 August 2017

The Garden Court Chambers Housing Team respond to the consultation of Terms of Reference of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry has called for responses to the consultation of Terms of Reference.

Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Garden Court International, Immigration Detention Civil Claims | Wednesday 2 November 2016

Garden Court barristers join #IBelong statelessness debate

Edward Grieves, Adrian Berry and Jo Cecil were invited to speak at a conference examining the significant international human rights issues of arbitrary revocation of citizenship and statelessness.

Joanne Cecil KC Adrian Berry Edward Grieves KC

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