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News & Views

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 17 June 2024

Garden Court barristers recognised on Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales

We are delighted to announce that Garden Court barristers have been listed on the Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales.

Housing Law | Wednesday 27 May 2020

Court of Appeal rules that Covid-19 related freeze on evictions also imposes freeze on eviction appeal proceedings

Tim Baldwin of the Garden Court Chambers Housing Team representing the appellant Mr Okoro, in his successful challenge against the London Borough Of Hackney.

Tim Baldwin

Romani Gypsy and Traveller Rights, Administrative and Public Law, Planning Law | Monday 13 November 2023

Welsh Ministers concede appeal of planning inspector's decision brought by a Traveller

Tim Baldwin of the Garden Court Romani Gypsy & Traveller Rights Team acted for the appellant Traveller, instructed by Michael Imperato of Watkins & Gunn Solicitors.

Tim Baldwin

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 24 May 2021

High court give permission for judicial review of Home Office’s failure to provide asylum seeker with adequate accommodation

The Claimant is represented by Tim Baldwin of the Garden Court Chambers Community Care Team and the Garden Court Chambers Public Law Team. Tim is instructed by Scott Laing of Bhatia Best solicitors.

Tim Baldwin

Administrative and Public Law, Community Care Law | Monday 24 May 2021

High Court orders expedited “rolled up” hearing for failure of Home Office to disperse vulnerable Asylum seeker to accommodation in Bristol

The Claimant is represented by Tim Baldwin of the Garden Court Chambers Community Care Team and the Garden Court Chambers Public Law Team. Tim is instructed by Scott Laing of Bhatia Best solicitors.

Tim Baldwin

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 7 June 2021

High Court judge orders “rolled up” hearing on adequacy of accommodation provided by Home Office given risks to children

The Claimant is represented by Tim Baldwin instructed by Scott Laing of Bhatia Best solicitors.

Tim Baldwin

Administrative and Public Law, Community Care Law | Wednesday 7 July 2021

Home Office settles case challenging adequacy of accommodation provided to Asylum Seeker that posed risks to their children

The Claimant is represented by Tim Baldwin instructed by Scott Laing of Bhatia Best solicitors.

Tim Baldwin

Housing Law | Monday 6 September 2021

Homeless Teenager takes Council to High Court for Unlawful Housing Policy

Tim Baldwin of the Garden Court Chambers Housing Team represents Shadacia White, instructed by Samuel O’Flaherty of Osbornes Law.

Tim Baldwin

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