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News & Views

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 29 January 2024

Stephen Simblet KC and Grace Brown appointed to join Rajiv Menon KC as Joint Heads of Garden Court Chambers

Garden Court Chambers is pleased to announce that Stephen Simblet KC and Grace Brown have been newly elected as Joint Heads of Chambers. They join Rajiv Menon KC who continues as Joint Head of Chambers.

Grace Brown Stephen Simblet KC Rajiv Menon KC

Romani Gypsy and Traveller Rights, Administrative and Public Law | Tuesday 16 January 2024

Government to be challenged in High Court over ‘discriminatory’ PCSC Act

FFT will be represented by Stephen Simblet KC and Nadia O’Mara of Garden Court Chambers. Wendy Smith will be represented by Marc Willers KC and Ollie Persey of Garden Court Chambers.

Nadia O'Mara Ollie Persey Stephen Simblet KC Marc Willers KC

Inquests and Inquiries, Claims Against the Police and Public Authorities, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Tuesday 8 November 2022

Krystian Kilkowski: Inquest finds that serious failures by police and emergency services contributed to his death

Krystian’s family are represented by Stephen Simblet KC and Fatima Jichi of Garden Court Chambers. Counsel instructed by Eva Luna Roszykiewicz of Bhatt Murphy solicitors.

Fatima Jichi Stephen Simblet KC

Environmental Protest, Environmental Protest, Administrative and Public Law | Tuesday 5 March 2019

Environmental campaigners in court to protect right to free speech threat from oil and gas injunctions

Stephanie Harrison QC is representing Joe Corré, one of the named defendants.

Stephanie Harrison KC Stephen Simblet KC

Environmental Protest, Protest Rights, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Wednesday 3 April 2019

Court of Appeal overturns draconian injunctions preventing protests against INEOS fracking activities

Stephanie Harrison QC and Stephen Simblet represented Joe Corré. Henry Blaxland QC & Stephen Clark represented Friends of the Earth.

Stephanie Harrison KC Stephen Clark Stephen Simblet KC Henry Blaxland KC

Romani Gypsy and Traveller Rights, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Administrative and Public Law | Tuesday 14 May 2024

High Court issues declaration of incompatibility finding that provisions in the Police Act unlawfully discriminate against Gypsies and Travellers

The successful claimant was represented by Marc Willers KC and Ollie Persey of Garden Court Chambers. Stephen Simblet KC and Nadia O’Mara of Garden Court Chambers acted for the First Intervener, Friends, Families and Travellers.

Nadia O'Mara Stephen Simblet KC Ollie Persey Marc Willers KC

Mental Health Law | Monday 18 July 2022

Successful appeal against First Tier Tribunal’s decision to the effect that it no longer had the power to hear patient’s appeal after his change in status

Stephen Simblet QC of Garden Court Chambers was instructed by Rheian Davies, Head of Legal at Mind. Roger Pezzani of Garden Court Chambers was instructed by Adam Marley of GT Solicitors and Advocates.

Stephen Simblet KC Roger Pezzani

Environmental Protest, Protest Rights, Protest Rights | Tuesday 9 February 2021

High Court radically scales back UK Oil and Gas protest injunction

Stephanie Harrison QC, Stephen Simblet QC and Fatima Jichi represented Weald Action Group protestors. Stephen Clark also represented protestors.

Stephanie Harrison KC Stephen Clark Stephen Simblet KC Fatima Jichi

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