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Children Law, Family Law | Friday 1 December 2023

Anna Hefford joins Garden Court Chambers as new tenant

We are delighted to announce that Anna Hefford has joined Garden Court Chambers as a new tenant.

Anna Hefford

Administrative and Public Law | Thursday 30 November 2023

High Court rules Home Office use of hotels for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children unlawful

Stephanie Harrison KC, Gráinne Mellon and Ollie Persey, of the Garden Court Chambers Public Law team, are instructed by Bhatt Murphy.

Georgie Rea Ollie Persey Gráinne Mellon Stephanie Harrison KC

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Thursday 30 November 2023

Home Secretary admits to Article 3 ECHR breach and Equality Act breach during Harmondsworth IRC evacuation

Alex Schymyck, of the Garden Court Chambers Public Law Team, instructed by Lewis Kett, Nicholas Hughes and Dominic Chambers of Duncan Lewis Solicitors for the Claimants.

Alex Schymyck

Inquests and Inquiries, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Wednesday 29 November 2023

Garden Court counsel question Professor Dame Jenny Harries and Sajid Javid at UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Our Peter Wilcock KC, Leslie Thomas KC, Marina Sergides & Kirsten Heaven questioned Professor Dame Jenny Harries and Sajid Javid MP at UK Covid-19 Inquiry Module 2.

Marina Sergides Peter Wilcock KC Rajiv Menon KC

Inquests and Inquiries, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Wednesday 29 November 2023

Liz Davies KC and Kirsten Heaven question Dominic Raab MP at UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Our Liz Davies KC and Kirsten Heaven questioned Dominic Raab MP at UK Covid-19 Inquiry Module 2.

Liz Davies KC

Romani Gypsy and Traveller Rights, Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Administrative and Public Law | Wednesday 29 November 2023

Supreme Court rules wide injunctions have negative impact on Gypsies and Travellers' ability to pursue traditional nomadic way of life

Marc Willers KC, Tessa Buchanan & Owen Greenhall represented London Gypsies and Travellers (LGT), Friends Families and Travellers (FFT) and the Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group (DGLG). Stephanie Harrison KC, Stephen Clark & Fatima Jichi represented FFT.

Fatima Jichi Stephen Clark Owen Greenhall Marc Willers KC Stephanie Harrison KC

Inquests and Inquiries, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Tuesday 28 November 2023

Rajiv Menon KC, Peter Wilcock KC and Kirsten Heaven question Michael Gove at UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Our Rajiv Menon KC, Peter Wilcock KC and Kirsten Heaven questioned Michael Gove MP at UK Covid-19 Inquiry Module 2.

Peter Wilcock KC Rajiv Menon KC

Education Law, School Inclusion Project (SIP) | Tuesday 28 November 2023

High Court grants permission in test case challenging the lack of legal aid for school exclusion appeals

Stephanie Harrison KC and Ollie Persey of the Garden Court Chambers Education Law Team, instructed by Sabrina Simpson and Abigail Hands of Coram Children’s Legal Centre.

Ollie Persey Stephanie Harrison KC

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