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News & Views

Immigration Law, Administrative and Public Law | Friday 5 August 2022

Court of Appeal dismisses Home Secretary’s appeal against High Court decision quashing UK Government refusal to consider relocation claims of two Afghan judges

Sonali Naik QC, Irena Sabic and Emma Fitzsimons acted for S, instructed by Wilson LLP Irena Sabic, David Sellwood and Maha Sardar acted for AZ, instructed by Wilson LLP.

Emma Fitzsimons Sonali Naik KC Maha Sardar David Sellwood Irena Sabic KC

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Law | Wednesday 13 July 2022

Garden Court Chambers jointly wins Highly Commended at The Lawyer Awards 2022 for Pro Bono Initiative of the Year supporting Afghan judiciary

We are proud to have received Highly Commended for The Lawyer Principal members of our Garden Court team involved in the initiative were Sonali Naik QC, Irena Sabic, Maha Sardar, Ali Bandegani, Emma Fitzsimons, Maria Moodie and David Sellwood.

Ali Bandegani Emma Fitzsimons David Sellwood Sonali Naik KC Maha Sardar Maria Moodie Irena Sabic KC

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 17 June 2024

Garden Court barristers recognised on Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales

We are delighted to announce that Garden Court barristers have been listed on the Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales.

Environmental Law and Climate Justice, International Environmental Law, International Human Rights | Tuesday 26 September 2023

Climate Case to be heard at European Court of Human Rights against 32 European States brought by 6 Portuguese youth

Richard Reynolds and Paul Clark are representing the youth-applicants, led by Alison Macdonald KC of Essex Court Chambers. Counsel are instructed by Global Legal Action Network.

Ella Gunn Irena Sabic KC Paul Clark Richard Reynolds

International Environmental Law, International Human Rights, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Monday 30 November 2020

European Court of Human Rights is fast-tracking a climate case against 33 European States brought by 6 Portuguese youth

Global Legal Action Network (GLAN) instructing Marc Willers QC, Irena Sabic, Richard Reynolds, Paul Clark and Ella Gunn of Garden Court Chambers.

Marc Willers KC Ella Gunn Irena Sabic KC Paul Clark Richard Reynolds

Inquests and Inquiries, Environmental Law and Climate Justice, Claims Against the Police and Public Authorities | Monday 27 March 2023

Duran Seddon, Edward Grieves & Irena Sabic of Garden Court Chambers & Associate Tenant Anna Morris appointed King’s Counsel today

Garden Court Chambers is delighted to announce that Duran Seddon, Edward Grieves and Irena Sabic of Garden Court Chambers, and Associate Tenant Anna Morris, have been formally appointed King’s Counsel today.

Immigration Law, Administrative and Public Law | Thursday 9 June 2022

High Court grants the judicial review claims of two Afghan Judges against the Government’s refusal of their claims to relocate to the UK

High Court grants the judicial review claims of two Afghan Judges against the Government’s refusal of their claims to relocate to the UK.

Sonali Naik KC Emma Fitzsimons Maha Sardar David Sellwood Irena Sabic KC

Environmental Law and Climate Justice, Climate Change and Fossil Fuel Production, International Environmental Law | Thursday 28 March 2024

European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber to Deliver Rulings in Landmark Climate Justice Cases

Marc Willers KC and Richard Harvey represent the Swiss Senior Women in Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland. Richard Reynolds and Paul Clark represent the youth-applicants in Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Others.

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