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Financial Crime and Confiscation, Criminal Defence | Friday 19 April 2024

Defendants found with nearly £500,000 cash in baggage acquitted of money laundering

Lucie Wibberley and Russell Fraser of the Garden Court Crime Team represented MT & AU in a 12-day trial at Chelmsford Crown Court, instructed by Ali Has & Dilara Demir of Morgan Has Solicitors.

Russell Fraser Lucie Wibberley

Immigration Detention Civil Claims, Administrative and Public Law | Tuesday 16 April 2024

High Court orders release from immigration detention to Schedule 10 accommodation

Alex Schymyck of Garden Court Chambers represented the claimant, instructed by Lewis Kett and Dominic Chambers of Duncan Lewis Solicitors.

Alex Schymyck

Housing Law | Friday 12 April 2024

High Court grants interim relief to vulnerable refugee faced with imminent homelessness by local authority

Georgie Rea, of the Garden Court Housing Team, instructed by Lauren Sidgwick of Turpin Miller, successfully obtained interim relief from the High Court just before the bank holiday weekend.

Georgie Rea

Administrative and Public Law, Housing Law, Community Care Law | Wednesday 10 April 2024

High Court finds Local Authority's housing policy to be discriminatory against women and girls escaping violence in successful judicial review challenge

Stephanie Harrison KC and Nadia O’Mara of the Garden Court Public Law Team successfully acted for the Claimant, instructed by Public Interest Law Centre.

Franck Magennis Nadia O'Mara Stephanie Harrison KC

Environmental Law and Climate Justice, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Tuesday 9 April 2024

European Court of Human Rights finds Swiss government violated Convention rights in a landmark climate justice ruling

Marc Willers KC and Richard Harvey, both of the Garden Court Chambers Environmental Law and Climate Justice Team, represent the Swiss Senior Women in Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland as part of an international legal team.

Administrative and Public Law | Monday 8 April 2024

Gavin Brown: Bereaved family granted permission in application for judicial review

Jodie Blackstock of Garden Court Chambers provided legal advice to lawyers acting for Gavin's family.

Jodie Blackstock

Family Law | Monday 8 April 2024

Katherine Duncan returns from parental leave

We are delighted to welcome back Katherine Duncan from parental leave. Katherine is a member of the Garden Court Chambers Family Law Team, and is available to accept instructions from 8 April.

Planning Law, International Environmental Law, Garden Court International | Thursday 4 April 2024

Acland Bryant joins Garden Court Chambers as new tenant

We are delighted to announce that Acland has joined Garden Court Chambers as a new tenant.

Acland Bryant

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