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Housing Law | Wednesday 16 December 2020

Overcrowding, children getting older and ‘deliberate acts’

Our Edward Fitzpatrick of the Garden Court Chambers Housing Team represented the Flores family, instructed by Osbornes Solicitors LLP.

Edward Fitzpatrick

Family Law | Wednesday 16 December 2020

Court of Appeal set aside findings in a complex case of non accidental injury

Mai-Ling Savage and Rebekah Wilson of the Garden Court Family Team appear for the respondent and appellant respectively. X, T, A, E and S (Children), Re [2020] EWCA Civ 1680 (11 December 2020)

Criminal Defence | Tuesday 15 December 2020

High Court significant victory for victims of trafficking and modern slavery in DPP v M

Brenda Campbell QC and Sam Parham of the Garden Court Chambers Criminal Defence Team have secured a significant victory for victims of trafficking and modern slavery in DPP v M in the Divisional Court.

Sam Parham

Housing Law | Tuesday 15 December 2020

Settled accommodation – Doka revisited

Blog by Connor Johnston. Liz Davies and Nick Bano of the Garden Court Housing Team acted for the Respondent Ms Broderick.

Liz Davies KC Connor Johnston Nick Bano

Housing Law | Tuesday 15 December 2020

No “temporal leeway” in considering out of borough placement

Blog by Connor Johnston. Ed Fitzpatrick and Sophie Caseley of the Garden Court Housing Team acted for the Respondent Ms Broderick.

Connor Johnston Sophie Caseley Edward Fitzpatrick

Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Friday 11 December 2020

Human Rights Act 1998: scope of potential claims for victims’ relatives

Michael Etienne of the Garden Court Chambers Civil Liberties & Human Rights Team represented the parents of a patient receiving care at a mental health hospital in circumstances where the common law of negligence appeared to offer no remedy to family

Michael Etienne

Romani Gypsy and Traveller Rights | Thursday 10 December 2020

Government in court today over planning rules for Travellers

Marc Willers QC and Tessa Buchanan of the Garden Court Chambers Romani Gypsy and Traveller Rights team represent Lisa Smith, instructed by Keith Coughtrie of Deighton Pierce Glynn.

Owen Greenhall Tessa Buchanan Marc Willers KC

Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Thursday 10 December 2020

Human Rights Day - Garden Court Chambers signs open letter to the Prime Minister and political leaders to stand by the Human Rights Act

On global Human Rights Day Garden Court Chambers alongside over 110 groups from across the UK issue an open letter to the Prime Minister and political leaders, urging them to respond proportionately to Covid-19, protect people’s rights and the rule of law

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