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Criminal Defence, Youth Justice & Child Rights | Friday 29 January 2021

Kate Aubrey-Johnson and Joanne Cecil appointed by the Lord Chancellor to the Expert and Advisory Panel for the Independent Review of Criminal Legal Aid

Kate Aubrey-Johnson Joanne Cecil KC

Court of Protection | Thursday 28 January 2021

Gráinne Mellon acts in first Court of Protection case concerning Covid-19 Vaccination and the Mental Capacity Act

Gráinne Mellon of the Court of Protection Team was instructed on behalf of Mrs E, by her Accredited Legal Representative, Keith Clarke of Burke Niazi Solicitors.

Gráinne Mellon

Criminal Appeals, Criminal Defence | Tuesday 26 January 2021

Extended sentence quashed in the Court of Appeal

Our Stella Harris of the Garden Court Criminal Defence Team acted for the appellant, instructed by Javed Chughtai, Partner at EBR Attridge.

Stella Harris

Family Law | Thursday 21 January 2021

Amanda Weston QC representing Appellant Mothers in Court of Appeal Domestic Abuse Case

Amanda Weston QC of Garden Court Chambers is representing two appellant Mothers. She is leading Dr Charlotte Proudman of Goldsmiths Chambers. In the case of B-B Amanda Weston QC, leads Dr Proudman, instructed by Jenny Beck of Beck Fitzgerald

Criminal Defence | Tuesday 19 January 2021

Garden Court Chambers Criminal Defence Team call for urgent action to limit spread of Covid in the courts

Administrative and Public Law, Youth Justice & Child Rights, Criminal Defence | Friday 15 January 2021

Government announces children will be exempt from the recent extension to custody time limits

Joanne Cecil of the Garden Court Chambers Youth Justice & Child Rights Team has worked tirelessly to achieve this fantastic result.

Joanne Cecil KC

Administrative and Public Law | Friday 15 January 2021

Court of Appeal hold that Home Secretary is not required to put a different deemed date of birth on identity document provided to a refugee despite risk to life

Stephen Simblet QC has been acting for Mind, the Mental Health Charity, as Intervenor in R (WA (Palestinian Territories) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2021]. Stephen was instructed by Rheian Davies, Head of Legal for Mind.

Stephen Simblet KC

Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Friday 15 January 2021

‘Running on empty’ – Garden Court Chambers contributes to Bar Council Report on Civil Legal Aid

The Bar Council has today released their Civil Legal Aid Research Report which reveals the severity of problems in the civil legal aid system and its implications for access to justice.

Sonali Naik KC Sarah Hemingway

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