Old Bailey terror trial collapses after prosecution offers no evidence

Tuesday 2 June 2015

A terrorism trial taking place at the Central Criminal Court collapsed yesterday after the prosecution told the court that there was no longer a reasonable prospect of a prosecution. The defendant, Swedish national Bherlin Gildo, was accused of possessing terrorist information, attending a terrorist training camp and receiving weapons training.

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The case has received widespread media coverage, including by The Guardian and The Telegraph.

Gildo’s defence team argued that the groups he was accused of supporting in Syria were the same groups that had received support from British intelligence agencies.

Henry Blaxland QC told the court:

“If it is the case that HM government was actively involved in supporting armed resistance to the Assad regime at a time when the defendant was present in Syria and himself participating in such resistance, it would be unconscionable to allow the prosecution to continue.

If government agencies, of which the prosecution is a part, are themselves involved in the use of force, in whatever way, it is our submission that would be an affront to justice to allow the prosecution to continue.”

The defendant was represented by Henry Blaxland QC, who was instructed by Gareth Peirce of Birnberg Peirce Solicitors.

Henry is a member of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team.

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