Court of Protection | Monday 31 July 2017

Applications before the court concerning the degree to which a person without capacity should be assisted in observing Islamic religious custom and practice in a supported care home

IH (Observance of Muslim Practice) [2017] EWCOP 9, 12 June 2017, Cobb J The first application was in respect of adherence to fasting during Ramadan and the second in respect of the trimming of IH’s axillary and pubic hair in accordance with Islamic cul

Bethan Harris

Court of Protection | Monday 31 July 2017

S21A MCA 2005 not appropriate where the central issue was whether CANH life-sustaining treatment was in a person’s best interests

Director of Legal Aid Casework (1) Secretaries of State for Health and for Justice (2) The Official Solicitor (3) v Briggs [2017] EWCA Civ 1169, 31 July 2017, President of the Queen’s Bench Division (Sir Brian Leveson), Lady Justice King and Lord Justice

Tim Baldwin

Children, Health care, Mental health | Thursday 3 August 2017

Sir James Munby: The nation will have “blood on our hands” if an NHS bed cannot be found for a teenager with acute mental health issues

Re X (A Child) (No 3) [2017] EWHC 2036 (Fam), 3 August 2017

Gráinne Mellon

Children | Monday 31 July 2017

High Court finds local authority breached Children Act 1989 for failing to carry out lawful assessment of autistic child

R (on the application of AC and SH) v London Borough of Lambeth Council [2017] EWHC 1796 (Admin) Case NO: CO/84/2017, 14 July 2017 The High Court has found that Lambeth London Borough Council failed to carry out a sufficiently wide, statutory guidance-

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