James Scobie QC of Garden Court Chambers delivers opening statement at Tranche 1 (Phase 2) of the Undercover Policing Inquiry on behalf of Richard Chessum and “Mary” who were spied upon by Detective Constable Richard Clark.
James Scobie QC is leading Piers Marquis of Doughty Street Chambers instructed by Paul Heron of the Public Law Centre.
"This Inquiry has been set a challenge – to get to the truth. This means asking difficult questions, again and again… to uncover the truth."
Ordinary people have been involved in campaigns for a better society, for social equality, anti-racism, anti-fascism, against apartheid and for trade union rights. The best of reasons, and the best of traditions.
We hope the Inquiry is ready, willing and equipped to meet that challenge. The Inquiry must be fearless and unflinching in the pursuit of the truth. The people of this country expect nothing less."
Read the full statement here. Watch the statement via Youtube below from 1hr 7min.