2015 02 Children

Sunday 1 March 2015

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Re D (a child)(no 2)(2015) [2015] EWFC 2: the President of the Family Division expressed concern over the delay in obtaining public funding for parents with learning difficulties contesting a local authority’s placement order application; because of the potential breach of article 6 ECHR. Click here for the judgment.

R (BG) v Chief Constable of the West Midlands [2014] EWHC 4374 Admin: the detention in police custody of a 16-year old youth had not been arguably unlawful: the period was very short, it had not been practicable to make better arrangements and there was a strong justification for the detention. Click here for the judgment.

Ann Dear v SSCLG [2015] EWHC 29 Admin: the best interests of Romany children were overridden by the need to conserve the green belt. Click here for the judgment.

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