Abigail Holt appointed leader of European Circuit of the Bar 2025

Monday 6 January 2025

We are delighted to announce that Abigail Holt of Garden Court Chambers has been appointed leader of The European Circuit of the Bar for 2025.

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The European Circuit was established in 2001, to support the growing numbers of lawyers within different jurisdictions of Europe working together on cross-border cases. Since then, lawyers, legal academics, and judges throughout Europe have increasingly had to have regard to jurisprudence from other countries, particularly as globalisation has led to rapidly developing legal problems with an international element.

As well as addressing the interests and needs of lawyers working on cases involving traditional sources of cross-border international issues of trade and commercial disputes, the European Circuit has members who work on international family law disputes, immigration, foreign accidents and problems encountered working abroad. The European Circuit has recently addressed issues relating to the regulation (or lack of regulation) of artificial intelligence (AI) and climate change; phenomena unconstrained by physical international borders.

The European Circuit’s events planned for 2025 will include:

  • 6 February 2025:  “Dark Money: Capturing the proceeds of those involved in the “London Laundromat” and further afield” – Middle Temple Sherrard Rooms, Middle Temple, London
  • 19 March 2025: “Ukraine, Sanctions and Security in Europe for 2025”, in conjunction with King’s College London – Nash Lecture Theatre, KCL, The Strand, London.
  • 9 April 2025: Sports Law Event, The Gaffney Room, Distillery Building, 145-151 Church Street, Dublin.

The European Circuit’s annual conference in The Hague will take place between 18 and 20 September 2025, with the theme of “Law or War”. The conference is planned to address, amongst other evolving topics, issues of international criminal law, the work of the International Court of Justice and the Climate Change Advisory Opinion and Space Law, an issue affecting many, as our electronic devices rely increasingly on satellite infrastructure.

Abi has stated: “I love the way that Spanish has the verb “solutionar” as an activity to resolve problems. As the rule of law is threatened on many fronts, ultimately what protects us and keeps us safe is relationships based on trust and respect. The learning, debating and networking activities of The European Circuit help forge and build the professional and deep personal relationships upon which international legal collaboration and dispute resolution depend. And its all super-interesting and good fun! So what’s not to like about earning some CPD points in another jurisdiction?”

Abi specialises in health, safety and medical cases including cross-border issues. She is also working on projects relating to the ethics of AI, product liability, and climate change. She has been appointed by the Lord Chancellor as an Examiner to the Court, pursuant to CPR34.15. She is a Director of the Manchester Law Library and a qualified mediator in the Garden Court Mediation Team.

Members of the European Circuit include lawyers in practice, as well as legal academics, law students, and lawyers engaged in professional activity supporting the legal profession, in various jurisdictions.

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