Anya Lewis KC

Year of Call: 1997 | Year of Silk: 2021

"Anya is a phenomenal advocate with an understated yet sophisticated approach. She brings witnesses close and is devastating in cross examination."

Chambers UK, 2024 (Crime)

"Anya is an elegant and understated advocate with a steely core."

Legal 500, 2024 (Crime, Band 4)

"She gets great results. A smiling assassin."

Chambers UK, 2023 (Crime)

“Anya’s judgment is unerring. She pitches a case to perfection with her quietly persuasive advocacy and inspires confidence in the lay client. Her approach is sensitive and highly effective.”

Legal 500, 2023 (Crime)

“Meticulous preparation…persuasive skill in advocacy, in particular closing speeches, capture the full attention of the jury resulting in extremely high rates of acquittals."

Legal 500, 2021 (Crime)


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Anya Lewis is an experienced criminal defence advocate who specialises in complex and sensitive cases including those involving allegations of murder (including baby-shaking), fraud and serious sexual offences.

She is consistently ranked in Chambers and Partners and The Legal 500.

Criminal Defence


Anya is an experienced criminal defence advocate regularly instructed in cases of complexity and sensitivity including those involving vulnerable defendants and witnesses. She has particular skill and experience in cases involving Non-Accidental Head Injuries and the challenges of the medical issues involved in this area. She appears in multi-handed murder, firearms and drugs cases. She has a wealth of experience in representing defendants charged with sexual offences including historic allegations.

Notable Cases

Past notable cases can be viewed below. Click here to see a list of recent notable cases.

Baby-shaking cases

In Silk

R v DH (Inner-London Crown Court) the defendant was charged with shaking his 11 weeks old son who was alleged to have brain injuries and multiple fractures.  The case involved complex medical evidence
R v JF (Harrow Crow Court) the defendant was charged with causing the death of her daughter by failing to obtain medical help for her.  Issues included causation with numerous experts called on behalf of both parties.

As a Leading Junior/Junior

R v CD (Chelmsford Crown Court) the defendant was charged with the murder of his son when his son died 15 years after an alleged shake had left him severely disabled and with a shortened life expectancy the defendant having been convicted of the original assault.  After complex legal argument a plea to manslaughter was accepted.
R v L (Lewes Crown Court) represented a mother who suffered from Factitious Disorder by Proxy and pleaded guilty to inflicting serious injuries to her son.

R v S (Isleworth Crown Court) leading counsel in a case where the defendant was acquitted of shaking his daughter on his re-trial, after successfully appealing his conviction in the Court of Appeal;

R v TM (Luton Crown Court) the defendant was acquitted of murdering her young son; her violent partner was convicted of his murder. Anya undertook the medical cross-examination in the case which also involved issues connected to battered-wife syndrome and the calling of experts in that field;

R v S (Central Criminal Court) the defendant was charged with murdering his young son. Anya undertook the cross-examination of the main expert medical witness;

R v Y (Central Criminal Court) the defendant was charged with the manslaughter of his son when his son died 12 years after an alleged shake had left him severely disabled and with a shortened life expectancy; the case, which resulted in an acquittal, involved complex legal argument including abuse of process and medical evidence;

R v A (Central Criminal Court) a young woman was acquitted of shaking her baby son to death in the context of the child having severe Vitamin D deficiency.

Murder, serious violence and firearms

In Silk

R v EM (Central Criminal Court) represented a single defendant in a murder trial involving psychiatric evidence and a defence of diminished responsibility.

R v PD (Stafford Crown Court) defendant in 9-handed murder case acquitted of murder and manslaughter.

R v ILM (Nottingham Crown Court) represented the first defendant in a five-handed murder case (jury discharged awaiting re-trial);

R v CN (Maidstone Crown Court) the defendant, who was jointly charged with his brother of attempted murder, was acquitted of the main charge but convicted of possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life following a trial.  The prosecution abandoned key DNA evidence as a result of detailed legal submissions in relation to the use of unvalidated software being used to undertake statistical analysis of complex familial DNA mixtures;

R v JG (Kingston Crown Court) young defendant acquitted of murder at half-time following a successful submission of no case to answer in a multi-handed murder case where the defence successfully resisted the prosecution’s application to rely on gang-related evidence including drill music.

As a Leading Junior/Junior

R v DM (Central Criminal Court) defendant acquitted of murder and convicted of manslaughter following a multi-handed murder trial;

R v DS (Lincoln Crown Court) the defendant was acquitted of manslaughter following an assault in a prison setting  Anya appeared as junior alone;

R v DF (Isleworth Crown Court) the defendant was tried for attempted murder after shooting a police officer during a psychotic episode;

R v TO (Central Criminal Court) the defendant was acquitted of murder in a multi-handed cases where Anya’s command of CCTV evidence led to the prosecution making significant concession before they opened their case;

R v DS (Central Criminal Court) defendant acquitted of murder after a man was stabbed to death in a fight;

R v GH (Central Criminal Court) the defendant was tried for murder where a body had been stored in his attic for 6 months.

R v S and others (Kingston Crown Court) multi-handed attempted murder trial where Anya appeared as junior alone which resulted in the acquittal of all 3 defendants;

R v P and others (Nottingham Crown Court) multi-handed murder case in relation to a fire-bombing in Leicester;

R v BH (Birmingham Crown Court) multi-handed possession of firearms with intent trial;

R v L-M (Nottingham Crown Court) the defendant was acquitted of murder at halftime in a case involving a gang-shooting;

Sexual offences

In Silk

R v JH
(Snaresbrook Crown Court; private instructions) the defendant, a man of good character, faced allegations of sexual assault against a work colleague. The prosecution offered no evidence following the service of a detailed bad-character/section 41 application;
R v RS
(Reading Crown Court; private instructions) the defendant, a man of good character, was acquitted by the jury of allegations of sexual assault against a young woman in relation to who he was in a position of trust;
R v CD (Sheffield Crown Court; private instructions) the defendant, a man of good character, faced numerous historical allegations including rape and sexual activity with a child.  The prosecution offered no evidence following the cross-examination of the complainant. 

As a Leading Junior/Junior

R v HS (Harrow Crown Court) leading counsel for the first defendant in a multi-handed case where the defendant was acquitted of conspiracy to facilitate the trafficking of a person for exploitation.

R v SG (Southwark Crown Court) the prosecution offered no evidence in relation to all matters following legal submissions in a case involving historical allegations of rape and other sexual offences. 

R v BN (Southwark Crown Court) the defendant was acquitted of allegations of inciting prostitution in a complex case where the defendant was jointly charged with an allegedly corrupt police officer. 

R v C (Snaresbrook Crown Court) defendant charged with rape and other serious sexual offences against his young daughter;

R v DW (Woodgreen Crown Court) the defendant was acquitted of current and historical allegations of familial rape against his niece.

R v M and others (Harrow Crown Court) defendant acquitted in multi-handed gang-rape trial;

R v K (Aylesbury Crown Court) defendant acquitted of numerous allegations of rape in the context of an arranged marriage;

R v H (Manchester Crown Court) defendant tried in relation to allegations of violent stranger rape;

R v P (Cardiff Crown Court) defendant acquitted of the majority of counts of historic child sex abuse on three step-granddaughters.


R v Y (Birmingham Crown Court) the defendant was tried in relation to allegations of possessing documents containing terrorist information;

R v S (Central Criminal Court) represented a young man charged with travelling to fight in Syria.


In Silk
R v DT
(Woodgreen Crown Court) conducted a contested Newton Hearing in relation to a conspiracy to import and supply significant quantities of Class A drugs.

As a Leading Junior/Junior

R v L (Inner London Crown Court) defendant acquitted of importing 1/2 kilo of cocaine;

R v S (Kingston Crown Court) a multi-handed conspiracy to import 87 kilos of heroin. A SOCA prosecution where the defendant was also indicted on separate counts of running a cocaine pressing factory. The defendant was acquitted on all counts;

R v O (Southwark Crown Court) represented the first defendant in a multi-handed million-pound class-A drug importation case;

R v M (Inner London Crown Court) multi-handed large-scale Class A drug importation;

R v S (Cardiff Crown Court) large-scale drug importation. VHCC case.

Perverting the course of justice

R v A and others (Leicester Crown Court) he defendant was jointly charged on a murder indictment in relation to an allegation of assisting an offender in relation to the shooting of a young woman in a gang related case; he was acquitted;

R v M (Central Criminal Court) Anya secured the acquittal of a vulnerable defendant who was charged with trying to hide the weapon her husband had just used to stab his best friend to death in a drunken incident.

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Financial Crime and Confiscation


Anya's fraud experience is significant. She is ranked in the Legal 500 for Crime: Fraud.

Notable Cases

Past notable cases can be viewed below. Click here to see a list of recent notable cases.

R v S and others (Nottingham Crown Court) defendant acquitted of conspiracy to commit fraud following a successful submission of no case to answer in an 11-handed trial.

R v B and others (Southwark Crown Court) defendant acquitted of conspiracy to commit fraud by false representation following 10 handed trial.

R v S (Worcester Crown Court) Anya represented a doctor accused of fraud by false representation in relation to the obtaining of his consultancy role.

R v N and others (Southwark Crown Court) Anya secured the acquittal of a profoundly deaf defendant charged with a million-pound access-to-work fraud.

R v R and others (Southwark Crown Court) Anya was counsel for the first defendant in Operation Tangelo, a £10 million excise diversion fraud, which collapsed as a result of failings in prosecution disclosure. VHCC case.

R v G and others (Harrow Crown Court) a million-pound mortgage fraud case which was stayed as the result of an abuse of process application mounted by Anya.

R v Z and others (Kingston Crown Court) case dealing with offences under Medicines Act 1968 and Trade Descriptions Act 1968. VHCC case.

R v MM and others (Southwark Crown Court) million-pound post-office fraud.

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Protest Rights


Anya has always enjoyed representing those involved in offences connected to public protest and the challenge of the legal issues which often accompany such cases. She was involved in the early part of her career in representing a number of defendants involved in campaigning against the introduction of GM crops (in both the Magistrates Courts and the Crown Courts). She has also represented those involved in campaigning against the Iraq war, animal cruelty, arms fairs, climate change and the student riots of 2015.

Notable Cases

R v SVH (Winchester Crown Court) Anya represented a defendant who pleaded guilty to conspiracy to blackmail in connection with Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty campaign;

R v K (Nottingham Crown Court) Anya represented one of 6 climate change activists in second Ratcliffe on Soar trial which collapsed as a result of arguments on abuse of process and disclosure relating to an undercover police officer;

Tilly v DPP [2001] EWCA Admin 821 (definition of aggravated trespass).

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Youth Justice & Child Rights


Anya has experience of representing children and young people particularly when they are charged with serious violence and sexual offences in both the Crown Court and on certificates for counsel in the Youth Court.  She was invited by the Michael Sieff Foundation to contribute to a roundtable seminar on Youth Justice and has spoken on the issue of jury trial access for children at Just For Kids Law Youth Justice Summit 2018.

Notable Cases

Past notable cases can be viewed below. Click here to see a list of recent notable cases.

R v L (Central Criminal Court) young defendant acquitted of rape.

R v G (Highbury Corner Youth Court) leading counsel for a vulnerable and mentally unwell young defendant facing serious sexual allegations against other family members.  Obtained a hospital order and avoided a criminal conviction. 

R v F (Highbury Corner Youth Court) a multi-handed trial where the defendants faced allegations of serious sexual assault.

R v S successfully represented the defendant pro bono at the Court of Appeal on his appeal against sentence for Just for Kids Law.

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What Others Say

"Anya is a phenomenal advocate with an understated yet sophisticated approach. She brings witnesses close and is devastating in cross examination." Chambers UK, 2024 (Crime)

"She displays exceptional attention to detail, and is extremely kind and considerate when dealing with clients." Chambers UK, 2024 (Crime)

“Highly respected by solicitors and clients, she adopts an analytical approach to all her cases." Chambers UK, 2024 (Crime)

"Anya is an elegant and understated advocate with a steely core." Legal 500, 2024 (Crime)

“She is fantastically low-key and uses her relaxed approach to get great results.  A smiling assassin”. Chambers UK, 2023 (Crime)

"Anya's judgement is unerring. She pitches a case to perfection with her quietly persuasive advocacy and inspires confidence in the lay client. Her approach is sensitive and highly effective." Legal 500, 2023 (2021 Silks) (Crime)

“Anya is superb”.  Legal 500, 2022 (Crime)

"She has the intensity of a silk while having an understated manner with clients, the consequence of which is often an unexpectedly positive result." Chambers UK, 2022 (Crime)

“Anya has an exceptional eye for detail. She works incredibly hard and is always in the detail of a case. She makes the life of the instructing solicitor very easy”. Legal 500, 2022 (Fraud)

"An extremely persuasive and highly skilled advocate who is always meticulously prepared and offers exceptional client care." Chambers UK, 2021 (Crime)

"Meticulous preparation... persuasive skill in advocacy, in particular closing speeches, capture the full attention of the jury resulting in extremely high rates of acquittals." Legal 500 (Crime) 2021

"Exceptionally bright, industrious and proactive. She understands the needs of the case, the client and the solicitor, and balances them all beautifully." Legal 500 (Fraud) 2020

"Excellent on forensics issues, she has a lot of experience in child murder cases." Chambers UK, 2019 (Crime)

"Fantastically clever, committed and hardworking, she always tells things as they are to clients". Legal 500, 2018
"Utterly reliable, compassionate and effective." Chambers UK, 2017 (Crime)
"A keen barrister with a thoughtful intellect." Chambers UK, 2016 (Fraud)

Contact Anya

Notable Cases & News

Garden Court Chambers revises policy on Stratford Magistrates' Court

23 May 2024

Garden Court Chambers statement on security searches at Stratford Magistrates' Court

8 May 2024

Anya Lewis KC secures acquittal for defendant in alleged baby shaking case

Anya Lewis KC of the Garden Court Crime Team led Dale Harris of Bank House Chambers, instructed by Nicole Redfern of GWB Harthills Solicitors.

2 April 2024

Crime team success in Old Bailey Murder Trial

Anya Lewis KC and Stella Harris were instructed by Leila Rasool of Lewis Nedas. David Emanuel KC and Lucie Wibberley were instructed by Michael Range of ACA Law.

17 July 2023

Garden Court Chambers and Garden Court North remember Ian Macdonald QC

Garden Court Chambers and Garden Court North were honoured to host a memorial event for Ian Macdonald QC 1939-2019 at Middle Temple Hall on Tuesday 7 February 2023.

17 February 2023

Garden Court secures top tier rankings in the Legal 500 2023

Garden Court Chambers is proud to be recognised as a Top Tier set again in the Legal 500.

30 September 2022

Members of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team support escalating proposed CBA action to include days of action

17 June 2022

Stephanie Harrison QC, Chair and Joint Head of Garden Court Chambers, comments on the Nationality and Borders Bill receiving Royal Assent

29 April 2022

Garden Court Crime Team statement on no returns action

30 March 2022

Anya Lewis QC and Stella Harris secure acquittals for murder

Anya Lewis QC and Stella Harris secure acquittals at half time for two young men (aged 17 and 18 respectively) charged with murder and grievous bodily harm with intent.

9 November 2021

Garden Court secures number one rankings in Chambers UK Bar Guide 2022

21 October 2021

Garden Court Chambers Crime Team shortlisted for Crime Set of the Year by Chambers Bar Awards 2021

We are delighted to announce that the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team has been shortlisted by the Chambers Bar Awards 2021 for Crime Set of the Year.

27 August 2021

Anya Lewis and Sam Robinson of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team to be appointed Queen’s Counsel

Garden Court Chambers is delighted to announce that Anya Lewis and Sam Robinson of the Garden Court Chambers Criminal Defence Team will be formally appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2021.

17 December 2020

Child Protocol in Criminal Cases

Drafted by Kate Aubrey-Johnson, Joanne Cecil and Anya Lewis of the Garden Court Criminal Defence Team.

5 May 2020

Garden Court Chambers wins Outstanding Contribution to Diversity & Inclusion Award at Chambers Bar Awards 2019

We pay special tribute to Mia Hakl-Law, Director of Operations and HR at Garden Court for spearheading and championing our work on diversity and inclusion together with many others within our chambers.

1 November 2019

5 young men tried for murder following death of young man after night-time street attack in Greenwich

James Scobie QC, Judy Khan QC, Christian Wasunna and Anya Lewis were all instructed in the case.

19 October 2018

'Flexible' Operating Hours pilot postponed until next year following concerns raised by Garden Court Chambers Crime Team and legal profession

On 18 September 2017 the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team sent an open letter to Lord Justice Fulford.

18 September 2017

Anya Lewis and Emma Fenn secure acquittal in “Shaken Baby Syndrome” case

The defendant was represented by Anya Lewis and Emma Fenn of Garden Court Chambers.

13 February 2017

Defendant acquitted in £1 million ‘Access to Work’ fraud

The defendant was represented by Anya Lewis of Garden Court's Fraud, Confiscation and Regulatory Law Team.

25 May 2016

Court of Appeal quashes conviction in 'baby shaking' case

The appellant was represented by Anya Lewis and Emma Fenn of Garden Court Chambers.

10 May 2016

Chambers UK Bar Guide ranks Garden Court in Band 1

Garden Court Chambers recognised as a leading set for immigration, social housing, civil liberties, police law, Court of Protection, crime and inquests and public inquiries.

30 October 2015

Garden Court wins Legal 500 crime set of the year award

The winners in these awards are chosen by the Legal 500 as a result of thousands of interviews with firms, sets and counsel.

8 October 2015

Ali Bajwa QC and Anya Lewis represent David Souaan at Central Criminal Court

Student receives three and a half years’ imprisonment for preparing terrorist acts.

16 February 2015

Father acquitted of non-accidental head injury death

A father accused of inflicting injuries resulting in his son's death 12 years later has been acquitted of manslaughter at the Central Criminal Court.

4 August 2014

Leicester arson defendants acquitted of murder

Dexter Dias QC, Ali Naseem Bajwa QC, Anya Lewis and Terry McGuinness acted for three defendants acquitted of murder in relation to a Leicester house fire. The jury returned verdicts on the lesser alternative of manslaughter.

25 June 2014

Garden Court Chambers ranked Band 1 in Chambers UK 2014

We are once again delighted to have been ranked as a leading set by Chambers and Partners in the Chambers UK 2014 directory.

31 October 2013

All related news


  • Recorder, Crime, 2021
  • Recorder, Family, 2020-2023
  • First Tier-Tribunal Judge, Mental Health, 2020
  • Legally Qualified Chair, Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service, 2019-2023


  • LLB (Hons)

Professional Membership

  • Liberty
  • Criminal Bar Association (CBA)


  • French

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